Hello again, and apologies for crossposting

Hot on the heels of our new Regional Workshop Awards, we're pleased to
announce another exciting new funding opportunity for critical/radical
geographers: the *Antipode Foundation Scholar-Activist Project Awards*.

The Foundation expects to allocate each successful application up to
£10,000 to support collaborations between academics, non-academics and
activists (from NGOs, think tanks, social movements, or community
grassroots organisations, for example) which further radical analyses of
geographical issues and engender the development of a new and better
society. The Awards are aimed at promoting programmes of action-research,
participation and engagement, cooperation and co-enquiry, and more
publicly-focused forms of geographical investigation. Applications for this
first round must be in by 30 June 2012.

See here - *http://antipodefoundation.org/scholar-activist-project-awards/*-
for more information and don't hesitate to get in touch -
*antip...@live.co.uk* - with any questions.

Thanks, and best wishes
-Antipode Foundation

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