On behalf of Tony Hernandez (thern...@research.ryerson.ca) and the AAG Business 
Geography Specialty Group, here is a call for papers for a Focus Section on 
Business Geography in The Professional Geographer.

Authors are encouraged to submit original ‘full paper’ research contributions 
for an issue of The Professional Geographer with a ‘Focus Section’ on Business 
Geography. The focus section aims to showcase leading research in the business 
geography field, with business geography broadly defined as the integration of 
‘geographic analysis, reasoning and technology for the improvement of… business 
decisions’. Research contributions for this issue should be centered on the 
application of geographic theories to applied real‐world business decision 

This includes a broad range of sub‐topics, including (but not limited to):
* retail and service geography
* consumer behavior
* business analytics and mobile GIS
* customer segmentation
* demographic trends
* network planning and optimization
* logistics and supply‐chain management
* performance forecasting and modeling
* land‐use planning, policy and commercial structure

Submission and Review of Papers
Submissions must include a cover letter containing a statement that the 
manuscript has not been submitted for publication elsewhere, and will not be 
submitted elsewhere until a decision has been rendered by the Focus Section 
Editor. Manuscripts will be sent to at least two outside reviewers. The review 
process will take four to six months.

Full papers are to be submitted by Friday November 30th 2012 to the Focus 
Section Editor.

Any questions should be directed to Dr Tony Hernandez at 
thern...@research.ryerson.ca or 1‐416‐979‐5000 ext. 7200.

Murray Rice
Department of Geography
University of North Texas
Tel: (940) 565-3861
Fax: (940) 369-8652
Web: www.geography.unt.edu/~rice

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