Apologies for cross-postings but we are looking for a couple more papers to round out a second session ...

Call for papers, AAG 2013, Los Angeles, CA

Unpacking ‘ethical’ markets: Academic and industry research methods

Organizers: Trina Hamilton, Department of Geography, University at Buffalo (SUNY), Roberta Hawkins and Jennifer Silver, Department of Geography, University of Guelph

In light of geographers' growing interest in corporate social responsibility (CSR), 'consuming for change', eco-certification, and
all manner of 'ethical' markets, we propose a paper session focused on
discussing and developing the research methods used to account for and
untangle these markets. While there have been many important studies
of commodity chains and ethical markets in practice, the methods used
to investigate and represent these complex phenomena are less often
debated and synthesized.  We hope to stimulate a discussion of the
methods used in research on the spatial and relational dynamics of all
manner of ethical markets.

Papers may address questions such as:
- How do we track the spaces and relations of ethical markets and evaluate their outcomes? - How do we identify and articulate drivers of ethical market creation, diffusion, and change?
- (How) can we rank and rate governance systems and participant firms?
- How can we research and depict the subject formation of 'ethical consumers' and analyze expanding ethical market participation? - (How) can methods like participant observation and discourse analysis be employed in this research agenda?
- How do we collect, evaluate and analyze internet-based data?
- What ethical challenges do we face as researchers in this research environment? - How can critical (feminist, postcolonial) research methods be used in ethical market research? - What are the largest challenges we face in fleshing out ethical market networks over space and time?

We welcome submissions from a diversity of sub-disciplines, research sites, and specific ethical markets, and we look forward to sharing ideas about the practical constraints, political implications, and the cross-cutting potential of different methods.

Please send all inquiries and proposed abstracts to Trina Hamilton (trina...@buffalo.edu) by October 1, 2012.

Trina Hamilton, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Geography
University at Buffalo (SUNY)
105 Wilkeson Quad, North Campus
Buffalo, New York  14261
Email: trina...@buffalo.edu
Voice: (716) 645-0482
Web: http://www.acsu.buffalo.edu/~trinaham/

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