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Call for Papers

*Symposium on New Geographies of Urban China*

2013 AAG Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, April 9-13

*Organizers: *

Mei-Po Kwan (University of California, Berkeley)

Yanwei Chai (Peking University)

Donggen Wang (Hong Kong Baptist University)

Relational understanding of space and the “new mobilities paradigm”
(Sheller and Urry 2006) that emerged in the past decade or so have helped
generate much new insight on many phenomena of interest to geographers.
Informed by the mobilities/relational turn, we suggest that a fruitful
direction for future research on urban China is one that is attentive to
mobility, movement, flow, travel, and other relational transactions in
space-time that shape or transform the urban fabric of China, while
remaining cognizant of the particularities of China’s social, political,
cultural, economic, and institutional context. As the complex interactions
among individual urban actors/agents have considerable potential to bring
forth drastic or unexpected emergent shifts, new conceptualizations and
analytical methods capable of addressing these changes in fine spatial and
temporal scales are needed. In organizing this symposium, we seek
contributions that advance new conceptual and analytical perspectives about
Chinese cities. We welcome papers that are attentive to how the everyday
lives of individuals unfold in space-time and how this shapes and in turn
is influenced by China’s urban transformations.

We welcome papers that address any issues pertinent to contemporary Chinese
cities. Topics may include but are not limited to:

- social difference and the city

- social and spatial inequalities

- poverty and the quality of life

- sociospatial segregation and isolation

- residential mobility, migration, and local labor markets

- daily mobility and activity-travel patterns

- accessibility and urban travel

- emergent patterns of urban transformations

- urban spatial restructuring

- social and environmental sustainability

- health and subjective wellbeing

- land and housing development

- planning and governance of urban infrastructure

If you are interested in participating in this symposium, please send a
short abstract of no more than 250 words to Mei-Po Kwan (mpk...@gmail.com),
Yanwei Chai (c...@pku.edu.cn), and Donggen Wang (dgw...@hkbu.edu.hk) by
October 12, 2012. Guidelines for preparing abstracts are available at:


Please contact the organizers if you have any questions. For more
information about the 2013 AAG Annual Meeting, please visit

Best wishes,



Mei-Po Kwan

Department of Geography

University of California, Berkeley

Email: mpk...@gmail.com



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