Please see the CFP below. Apologies for cross posting.

*Feminist Geography 2017 CFP: Challenging Embodied Authority and Academic
Privilege in Geographical Thought*

Jessa Loomis (University of Kentucky) and Daniel Cockayne (University of

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC, USA, May 18–20, 2017

In this session we invite papers that seek to challenge the accepted
hegemony, exclusion, and discrimination within geographical disciplinary
practice. This builds on a number of existing projects that highlight the
continuing masculinism and whiteness of geographical thought, its
Anglophone focus, and its dominance by a relatively narrow set of voices
and approaches. Though geography and its sub-disciplines are often
described as eclectic, broad schools of thought that embrace multiple
perspectives, many have also contested this characterization to suggest
that geography, while purporting variety, also remains a disciplinary space
in which white, male, straight, and cisnormative bodies and voices remain
privileged over others.

The scope of this project is broad, implicating (among other aspects of
geographical work) conferences and meetings; departmental politics; hiring,
promotion, and tenure review; publication, peer-review, and editorial
processes; teaching and advising; writing, citation, and research;
engagement beyond the academy; anti-work politics; mental health and
cultures of academic anxiety, uncertainty, and precarity; and the
establishment and reproduction of major disciplinary narratives and

We seek to be in conversation about disciplinary practice and provide space
to interrogate and recast the power dynamics therein. As such we welcome
contributions from a range of perspectives on a variety of topics, which
could include but are not limited to:

   - Disciplinary narratives and histories (Peake and Sheppard, 2014)
   - Collaboration beyond the academy (Nagar and Ali, 2003)
   - The politics of co-authorship and citation (The Feminist Geography
   Reading Group, 2000)
   - Unionization, collective action, and solidarity across academic
   hierarchy (Mountz et al., 2015; Purcell, 2006)
   - Responsibility to diverse publics and civic engagement (Derickson,
   2016; Roy 2016)
   - Discrimination and hostility in disciplinary spaces (Ahmed, 2012)
   - The toxic maleness and whiteness of geography (Gilmore, 2002; Mahtani,
   2014; Pulido, 2002; Shangrila, McCutcheon, and Sweet, 2015)

Please email abstracts of no more than 250 words to Jessa Loomis ( and Daniel Cockayne
( by Friday
January 27th.


Ahmed, S. (2012) *On Being Included: Racism and Diversity in Institutional
Life*. Durham: Duke University Press.

Derickson, K. D. (2016) Urban geography II: Urban geography in the age of
Ferguson. *Progress in Human Geography*.

Gilmore, R. W. (2002) Fatal couplings of power and difference: Notes on
racism and geography. *The Professional Geographer*54.1 (2002): 15-24.

Mahtani, M. (2014) Toxic geographies: Absences in critical race thought and
practice in social and cultural geography." *Social & Cultural Geography* 15.4
(2014): 359-367.

Mountz, A., Bonds, A., Mansfield, B., Loyd, J., Hyndman, J.,
Walton-Roberts, M., Basu, R., Whitson, R., Hawkins, R., Hamilton, T. and
Curran, W. (2015) For slow scholarship: A feminist politics of resistance
through collective action in the neoliberal university. *ACME: An
International E-journal for Critical Geographies* 14 (4): 1235-1259.

Peake, L., & Sheppard, E. (2014) The emergence of radical/critical
geography within North America. *ACME: An International E-Journal for
Critical Geographies* 13 (2): 305-327.

Pulido, L. (2002) Reflections on a white discipline. *The Professional
Geographer* 54 (1): 42-49.

Purcell, M. (2007) “Skilled, Cheap, and Desperate”: Non‐tenure‐track
Faculty and the Delusion of Meritocracy. *Antipode* 39 (1): 121-143.

Roy, A. (2016) Divesting from whiteness: The university in the age of
Trumpism. *Society &

Shangrila, J., McCutcheon P., and Sweet E. L. (2015) Visceral geographies
of whiteness and invisible microaggressions. *ACME: An International
E-journal for Critical Geographies* 14 (1): 298-323.

The Feminist Geography Reading Group. (2000) (Un)doing academic practice:
notes from a feminist geography workshop.*Gender, Place & Culture* 7 (4):

Jessa Loomis
PhD Candidate
Department of Geography
University of Kentucky
t: @jessaloomis

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