Dear colleagues, 

Please find the attached CfP for the German Congress of Geography to be held
in the lovely City of Tübingen from September 30th to October 5th 2017. In
case you have problems with the submission as a non-German speaker, you can
also contact the conference organizers (or us) directly.


Problematizing the Water, Food and Energy Crises in the Global South: From
Anthropocene to Capitalocene (Fachsitzungen Leitthema 5"Natur und
Gesellschaft", LT5-FS15)


Session Conveners: Nadine Reis, University of Bonn; Stefan Ouma, Goethe
University Frankfurt


Voices have become louder in recent years advocating the declaration of a
new geological epoch: the Anthropocene. The notion of the Anthropocene
reminds us that human impact on earth is now so profound that it has turned
into an existential question for humanity itself. At the latest since 2008,
we have lived in an era of proclaimed "converging crises", signalling that
humanity has reached a tipping point in its relationship with nature. The
water, food and energy crises have been the most apparent of these crises
globally, and particularly in the Global South. But is Anthropocene a useful
framework for capturing this tipping point of human-nature relationship?
Critics argue that the concept is flawed, remaining caught in a deeply
entrenched human-nature dualism, and discounting the real source of today's
global crises: capitalism. To capture its epochal imprint, critical scholars
have suggested the notion of Capitalocene. Taking the critique a step
further, Moore (2015) argues that capitalism, rather than working upon
nature, works through nature: it is a way of organizing nature. In his
alternative reading of history as humanity-in-nature, capitalist
value-relations are always co-produced through relations of exploitation
(through wage labour) and appropriation (through unpaid work/energy). His
concern is ".not merely to chart the environmental "consequences" of
globalisation, but rather to illuminate the ways in which the core processes
of globalisation (past and present) are themselves socio-ecological
projects" (Moore 2016).

The aim of this panel is to discuss the crises of water, food and energy in
the Global South viewed through the dialectic of humanity-in-nature in the
age of the Capitalocene. The panel brings together scholars working on the
interface of political ecologies of water, food and energy and critical
political economy. We invite proposals for papers addressing (but not
limited to) one or more of the following topics:


-          In which way can our studies of food, water and energy be
mobilized to deepen our understanding of the Capitalocene

-          How does a humanity-in-nature/world ecology perspective change
our perspective on the materializations of the global water, food and energy
crises in the Global South?

-          How does such a humanity-in-nature/world ecology perspective help
us to understand the relationship of these natural resources crisis with the
crisis of capitalism as a whole?

-          In which way do the materializations of the Capitalocene in the
periphery differ from the ones in core regions of the world economy?

-          How does the neoliberal phase of capitalism, particularly
financialization, relate to the production of nature and its variegated


Please submit your abstract through the conference website before March 31,


Conference Website:

Abstract submission:  <>

Contact:  <>



Moore, Jason (2016): The Deathbed of Capitalism. Interview with Ivana Perić.
<> 26.06.2016.

Moore, Jason (2015): Capitalism in the Web of Life: Ecology and the
Accumulation of Capital. Verso: London.





Stefan Ouma


Dr. Stefan Ouma | Assistant Professor in Economic Geography | Department of
Human Geography |
Goethe University Frankfurt am Main | PEG Buildung |Theodor W.--Adorno-Platz
6 | 60323 Frankfurt | GERMANY

Fon: +255692359683

Mail:  <>


und Medienarbeit.




Dr. Stefan Ouma | Assistant Professor in Economic Geography | Department of
Human Geography |
Goethe University Frankfurt am Main | PEG Buildung |Theodor W.--Adorno-Platz
6 | 60323 Frankfurt | GERMANY

Fon: +255692359683

Mail:  <>


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