Dear all,

It is my pleasure to invite attendees to this year's AAG Conference to the 
annual Roepke Lecture in Economic Geography which will be given by Dr. Nancy 
Fraser from the New School for Social Research.

"From Exploitation to Expropriation: Geographies of Racialization in Historical 

Wednesday, 4/5/2017, from 12:40 PM - 2:20 PM in Ballroom B, Hynes, Third Level

Familiar, exploitation-centered conceptions of capitalism cannot explain its 
persistent entanglement with racial oppression. In their place, I suggest an 
expanded conception that also encompasses an ongoing but disavowed moment of 
expropriation. By thematizing that other "ex," I disclose, first, the crucial 
role played in capital accumulation by unfree and dependent labor, which is 
expropriated, as opposed to exploited; and second, the equally indispensable 
role of politically enforced status distinctions between free, exploitable 
citizen-workers and dependent, expropriable subjects. Treating such political 
distinctions as constitutive of capitalist society and as correlated with the 
"color line," I demonstrate that the racialized subjection of those whom 
capital expropriates is a condition of possibility for the freedom of those 
whom it exploits. After developing this proposition systematically, I 
historicize it, distinguishing four regimes of racialized accumulation 
according to how exploitation and expropriation are distinguished, sited, and 
intertwined in each.

The journal Economic Geography (at Clark University), in conjunction with the  
AAG Economic Geography Specialty Group and the Department of Geography at the 
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, are sponsoring the 2017 Roepke 
Lecture given by Nancy Fraser, Henry A. and Louise Loeb Professor of Political 
and Social Science at The New School for Social Research.

Dr. Sharad Chari will  be the discussant.  Official program details here:

We hope to see you there.


James T. Murphy, Ph.D.
Editor-in-Chief, Economic Geography
Associate Professor
Graduate School of Geography
Clark University
950 Main Street
Worcester, MA 01610

(508) 793-7687 (phone)
(508) 793-8881 (fax)<>

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