Apologies for X-postings – we have extended the deadline for application until 
1st June 2017; see below and http://www.fingeo.net/doctoral-dissertation-prize/ 



The Global Network on Financial Geography (FinGeo) seeks to award its 
Dissertation Prize to an outstanding doctoral dissertation in the field of 
financial geography.

While we want to attract dissertations with a clear spatial component, we wish 
to encourage applications from a wide range of disciplinary backgrounds, 
including but not restricted to anthropology, geography, history, sociology, 
political science, and economics. We welcome contributions from students in 
institutions from across the world, focusing on financial processes taking 
place anywhere on the globe. Eligible candidates should have completed and 
defended their PhD in 2016. The award consists of €500 in prize money and an 
invitation to present research at a FINGEO-sponsored event.

is an open and interdisciplinary network of academics, practitioners and other 
people interested in research on the spatiality of money and finance and its 
implications for the development of economy, society, and nature. EUFINGEO 
  is a network sponsored by Vrije Universiteit Brussels which seeks to build a 
European community of financial geographers.

Application deadline is 1st June 2017. Please send a digital copy to  
<mailto:david.bass...@vub.be> david.bass...@vub.be including a recommendation 
letter by your supervisor(s). The successful candidate will be contacted by 1 
July 2017.

Best wishes,



Assistant Professor @ Cosmopolis Centre for Urban Research

Department of Geography
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Building F - Room 6F326
Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussels


t: +32 (0)2 629 33 87

e:  <mailto:david.bass...@vub.ac.be> david.bass...@vub.ac.be

w:  <http://www.cosmopolis.be/people/david-bassens> 


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