Apologies for cross-postings:

Dear colleagues,

I wish to bring to your attention a highly problematic practice in academia of 
not holding scholars or journals to high standards of accuracy, merit, or 
rigor. This is particularly so when they publish shoddy racist click-bait 
pieces. Some of you may already be following the debates for the last few days 
on other forums or online (there’s been a lot said on social media), but if you 
have not, I would be grateful if you could please read through this email and 
sign the petition below.

Recently, an author published a piece calling for the return of colonization 
and white supremacy in the well-respected journal Third World Quarterly. [In 
order to NOT raise the view or download metrics of the article or the journal, 
which will only increase its popularity, please read it for free here instead: 
<http://fooddeserts.org/images/paper0114.pdf> ] The article is full of 
inaccuracies & falsehoods, misqualifies existing scholarship on the topic, 
lacks proper citations, is poorly written and conceptualized, and morally 
reprehensible. It should’ve been rejected on lacking of academic merit alone, 
let alone the contents of its argument legitimizing racist brutality. The 
article seems like a faux ‘shock’ piece to manufacture controversy and very 
much conforms to click-bait practices. The piece did not undergo the regular 
peer-review process as it was submitted as a Viewpoint. Even though Viewpoints 
and Commentaries are usually reviewed by several members of the Editorial Board 
for most journals, we are not sure whether TWQ does this at all. Apparently 
some of their own Editorial Board members were completely unaware of it until 
it came out in print. Some members of the Editorial Board (e.g. Vijay Prashad) 
have publicly threatened to resign if the article is not retracted. The 
Editorial Board consists of many distinguished scholars, so we are not sure who 
authorized the publication of this particular piece. Clearly whichever editor 
or editors who sanctioned the piece did not even bother to read it.  Journals 
should be held to higher standards than partaking in such practices, as 
otherwise it is a slap to our collective faces as scholars who strive for 
rigor, integrity and accuracy in our scholarship. We learnt that the journal 
wanted more ‘traffic’ to its website through publishing this piece, and thus we 
are actively discouraging people from giving them that (please view or download 
it above). We are instead calling for a retraction and an apology from the 
journal, and raising awareness of such problematic practices. 
Here is a petition for this, which already has about 2000 signatures in a few 
hours. Please sign it and share widely: 

The author in question (a political scientist at Portland State University) has 
published white supremacist drivel in the past (e.g. supporting ethnic 
cleansing), and has made a name for himself in doing so. We all know there are 
plenty of colonial apologists in academia as well as overt and closeted white 
supremacists who enable/promote/encourage such success; many more support it 
through silence and enabling such behavior to go unchecked thereby allowing 
racism to flourish. Perhaps that is why there is an urge amongst many to act 
now. There are many other sites where meaningful interventions can be made 
about decolonizing, postcolonial critique, etc. (e.g. recent TIBG special issue 
on this, etc.). We encourage such endeavors as well. Engaging with this piece 
does not advance our knowledge of colonialism or anything else, and thus does 
not serve any purpose. Rather, it amplifies and emboldens horrific ideologies 
and practices to persist in academia and beyond.

What the journal probably did not expect is this much push-back or threats of 
boycott in readership as well as in contributing pieces or agreeing to peer 
review. These are strategies to hold journals accountable in my opinion. The 
lack of accountability and integrity displayed in this instance (among many 
others) makes a mockery of the academic publishing process. Accountability, 
rigor, empirical evidence, sound reasoning, and engaging with existing 
scholarship are essential foundations in academic publishing, and this 
particular article did not do any of that. TWQ needs to be held accountable for 
promoting such practices.

Whether or not the petition we started will encourage TWQ to retract the piece 
or not is up for debate. Ideally they should. That would send the message to 
all and sundry that shoddy scholarship, based on racist ideologies, has no 
place in academia. We were clear to state in our petition that we are not 
asking for curtailing of academic freedom (whatever that means anymore in the 
US), but holding the journal more accountable. This way we are not enabling 
this author to gas-light us and get away with click-bait. We are not engaging 
with him directly as he wants. We felt that the petition to TWQ and the 
publisher that produces it would demonstrate that we’re engaging the journal 
itself in order to improve overall scholarship and publishing processes and 
standards in academia itself. If in the process they do retract the article, 
then that author and his supporters will have hopefully learnt a lesson. This 
will put a dent in his dossier, however small. In the process of all this, 
it’ll also raise awareness that scholars and journals are responsible and can 
be held accountable. 

This particular article has caused a lot of stir among various disciplines, 
groups, and organizations in the last few days. Many folks are writing letters 
of complaint to the journal about the piece, calling for a retraction and an 
apology (as which we have done). Even more are tweeting about it [If you’d like 
to see some of the tweet thread on this, here’s one example among many 
circulating now that contains info on this author’s other alt-right pieces, 
etc.: https://twitter.com/Farhana_H2O/status/907440614144462848 

Personally, I do not want to give any more oxygen directly to this racist 
fascist author who has written for alt-right websites and published 
reprehensible material in the past (his piece justifying ethnic cleansing was 
also published by TWQ and it should have generated pushback then but it did not 
— I think that emboldened both the author and the journal). We will not be able 
to change the mind of this man or racist his allies. I also worry about the 
hundreds of students who take his courses, and wonder what they have learnt. I 
doubt his university will take any steps to hold him accountable (it seems that 
US universities only fire professors if they call out injustices and not the 
other way around), so while many people have left this man, his department, his 
university voicemails and messages, I highly doubt anything will come of it in 
terms of reprimands. What we can do is put pressure on TWQ and other journals 
who enable this kind of behavior to count as ‘ cholarship' to desist from doing 
so any further.  In my opinion, not doing that is a disservice to all of us for 
all the labor we put into our own publications and scholarship. 

If anyone is interested, my blog post that inspired the petition is here: 
<https://www.facebook.com/farhanasultana/posts/10101130697230492>  I  have been 
requested by many scholars to turn this into some sort of ‘proper’ publication 
or contribution to the Chronicle of Higher Education, which I may do in the 
future, as otherwise it will ‘not count’ (again, a feature of our horrible 
metric-based system where other forms of labor go invisible and unrecognizable 
— but that’s another topic of discussion) :) 

Thank you for your support. Please feel free to forward this email on to other 
lists and people who may be interested. Thank you.

In solidarity,



Farhana Sultana, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Geography
Research Director for Environmental Conflicts and Collaborations, Program for 
the Advancement of Research on Conflict and Collaboration (PARCC)

Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs
Syracuse University
144 Eggers Hall, Syracuse, NY, 13244, USA

Email: sulta...@syr.edu   
Web: www.farhanasultana.com  
Web: http://www.maxwell.syr.edu/faculty/sultana.aspx  
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Farhana_Sultana
Twitter: @Farhana_H2O


Eating, Drinking: Surviving http://www.springer.com/us/book/9783319424675

The Right to Water: Politics, Governance and Social Struggles 

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