*CFP AAG 2018 New Orleans*

*New Perspectives on Mediterranean Integration*

Organizers: William Kutz (University of Manchester), Camilla Hawthorne (UC
Berkeley), Xavier Ferrer-Gallardo (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)

The ongoing effects of the Eurozone crisis and political upheavals since
the Arab Spring have significantly altered the established coordinates of
Mediterranean space and society. Geographers have sought to explain these
phenomena through the changing forms of state borders and territoriality,
the spatial re-divisions capital and class, and the contested spaces of
migration, citizenship, and belonging. However, much of this research
remains largely fragmented along predominant sub-disciplinary concerns,
territorial scales, and regional foci.

This multi-session CFP aims to bring together work on Mediterranean
integration - in the broadest sense - as a means to traverse these
divisions and to place emerging debates into greater conversation with each
other.  Our goal is to explore alternative ways to imagine the geographies
of Mediterranean sociability and exchange as a means to develop new avenues
for future research in the region.

The following themes are proposed as starting points for paper

·       Mediterranean market power (Escribano, 2006; Damro, 2012)

·       The constitutive power of outsiders (Browning & Christou, 2010;
Cassarino, 2014)

·       Geo-economics and internationalization (Smith, 2015; Sellar *et al*.,

·       New/unusual regional formations (Celata & Coletti, 2015;
Ferrer-Gallardo & Kramsch, 2016)

·       Culture and cosmopolitanism (Dietz, 2004; Moisio, *et al., *2012;
Giglioli, 2017)

·       The Black Mediterranean (Hawthorne, 2017; Danewid, 2017)

·       Citizenship, belonging, subalterity (Pace, 2005; Sidaway, 2012)

·       Geopolitical fantasies (Bialasiewicz, et al., 2013; Scott, *et al.,*

·       Alternative paths, edges, and nodes (Giaccaria & Minca, 2011;
Casas-Cortes, *et al.*, 2013)

·       Conflict and diplomacy (Dittmer & McConnell, 2015; Jones & Clark,

·       Comparative Mediterraneanisms (Mansour, 2001; Bromberger, 2007;
Whitehead, 2015)

Do not hesitate to get in touch to see if you have an idea that goes beyond
the specified themes and that you would like to include with the other

Please email abstracts (250 words) to William Kutz (
william.k...@manchester.ac.uk) by *15* *October*. Notifications will be
sent by *20 October. *Participants will need to register and submit their
abstracts on the conference website by the *25 October* deadline.


Bialasiewicz, L., Giaccaria, P., Jones, A. and Minca, C., 2013. Re-scaling
‘EU’rope: EU macro-regional fantasies in the Mediterranean. *European Urban
and Regional Studies*, 20(1), pp.59-76.

Bromberger, C., 2007. Bridge, wall, mirror; coexistence and confrontations
in the Mediterranean world. *History and Anthropology*, 18(3), pp.291-307.

Browning, C.S. and Christou, G., 2010. The constitutive power of outsiders:
The European neighbourhood policy and the eastern dimension. *Political
Geography*, 29(2), pp.109-118.

Cassarino, J.P., 2014. Channelled policy transfers: EU-Tunisia interactions
on migration matters. *European Journal of Migration and Law*, 16(1),

Casas-Cortes, M., Cobarrubias, S. and Pickles, J., 2013. Re-bordering the
neighbourhood: Europe’s emerging geographies of non-accession
integration. *European
Urban and Regional Studies*, 20(1), pp.37-58.

Celata, F. and Coletti, R., 2015. *Neighbourhood Policy and the
Construction of the European External Borders*. Springer International

Danewid, I., 2017. White innocence in the Black Mediterranean: hospitality
and the erasure of history. *Third World Quarterly*, pp.1-16.

 Dietz, G., 2004. Frontier hybridisation or culture clash? Transnational
migrant communities and sub-national identity politics in Andalusia,
Spain. *Journal
of Ethnic and Migration Studies*, 30(6), pp.1087-1112.

Dittmer, J. and McConnell, F. eds., 2015. *Diplomatic cultures and
international politics: translations, spaces and alternatives*. Routledge.

Ferrer‐Gallardo, X. and Kramsch, O.T., 2016. Revisiting Al‐Idrissi: The Eu
and the (Euro) Mediterranean Archipelago Frontier. *Tijdschrift voor
economische en sociale geografie*, 107(2), pp.162-176.

Giaccaria, P. and Minca, C., 2011. The Mediterranean alternative. *Progress
in Human Geography*, *35*(3), pp.345-365.

Giglioli, I., 2017. Producing Sicily as Europe: Migration, Colonialism and
the Making of the Mediterranean Border between Italy and Tunisia.
*Geopolitics*, 22(2), pp.407-428.

Hawthorne, C., 2017. In Search of Black Italia: Notes on race, belonging,
and activism in the black Mediterranean. *Transition*, *123*(1), pp.152-174.

Jones, A. and Clark, J., 2015. Mundane diplomacies for the practice of
European geopolitics. *Geoforum*, 62, pp.1-12.

Mansour, M.E., 2001. Maghribis in the Mashriq during the modern period:
Representations of the Other within the world of Islam. *The Journal of
North African Studies*, *6*(1), pp.81-104.

Moisio, S., Bachmann, V., Bialasiewicz, L., dell’Agnese, E., Dittmer, J.
and Mamadouh, V., 2013. Mapping the political geographies of
Europeanization: National discourses, external perceptions and the question
of popular culture. *Progress in Human Geography*, *37*(6), pp.737-761.

Pace, M., 2005. *The politics of regional identity: meddling with the
Mediterranean*. Routledge.

Scott, J.W., Brambilla, C., Celata, F., Coletti, R., Bürkner, H.J.,
Ferrer-Gallardo, X. and Gabrielli, L., 2017. Between crises and borders:
Interventions on Mediterranean Neighbourhood and the salience of spatial
imaginaries. *Political Geography*, pp.1-11.

Sidaway, J.D., 2012. Subaltern geopolitics: Libya in the mirror of Europe. *The
Geographical Journal*, *178*(4), pp.296-301.

Sellar, C., Lan, T. and Poli, U., 2017. The Geoeconomics/Politics of
Italy’s Investment Promotion Community. *Geopolitics*, pp.1-28.

Smith, A., 2015. Macro‐regional integration, the frontiers of capital and
the externalisation of economic governance. *Transactions of the Institute
of British Geographers*, 40(4), pp.507-522.

Whitehead, L., 2015. Maghreb, European neighbour, or Barbary Coast:
constructivism in North Africa. *The Journal of North African
Studies*, *20*(5),

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