Dear all,
Please consider submitting an abstract, or forward to those who might be 

CfP for the American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting April 10 - 14, 
2018, New Orleans

Complexity Galore: Multi-stakeholder Sustainability Initiatives confronting 
Uneven Environmental Degradation in the Global South

Stefano Ponte, Copenhagen Business School
Opportuna Kweka, University of Dar es Salaam
Bram Büscher, Wageningen University

Sponsored by Cultural and Political Ecology, Development Geographies and 
Economic Geography Specialty Groups

Anyone interested in participating in the session should send an abstract 
conforming to the AAG guidelines 
by October 15, 2017 to Stefano Ponte 

New and more complex initiatives and partnerships are emerging to address the 
equally complex environmental effects of 'uneven geographical development' 
(UGD) in the Global South. These initiatives variously link donors, 
governments, community-based organizations, non-governmental organizations 
(NGOs), business, consultants, certification agencies and other intermediaries. 
High expectations and many resources have been invested in them. Yet, we do not 
know whether more sophisticated organizational structures, more stakeholders 
involved, and more advanced participatory processes have delivered better 
social and environmental outcomes - and if so, in what places and sectors, 
under what circumstances, and with what distributional effects.

These sustainability initiatives are taking shape as contexts of, and 
narratives about, resource depletion, biodiversity loss and extinction are 
rapidly changing - bringing new international audiences, alliances and policies 
to bear on previously local and national issues. Central to these contexts and 
narratives is a growing sense of urgency about the enormity of intensifying yet 
uneven dynamics of environmental degradation. Political ecology approaches have 
shown that these processes are creating new kinds of values to previously 
existing resources and attracting more actors in competing for their access and 
utilization. New actors, partnerships and modes of governance (including those 
based on big data) are appearing or becoming more prominent as 'old' products 
and services (e.g. timber, fish, wildlife tourism) come under processes of 
sustainability certification or are more closely monitored and managed. Yet, we 
ask, can these increasingly complex sustainability initiatives keep up with, or 
do justice to, the equally increasingly complex environmental effects of recent 
waves of UGD in the global South? What types of politics, institutions and 
forms of governance result from this 'complexity galore' in different contexts? 
And how do these politics, institutions and forms of governance deal with the 
contradictory fact that many new sustainability partnerships are steeped in 
similar commodification logics that also inform more general processes of UGD?

This session invites contributions that theoretically and empirically engage in 
understanding the relation between complex, multi-stakeholder initiatives 
addressing complex, multi-level, and uneven environmental problems. Papers may 
examine topics related to multi-stakeholder sustainability initiatives and/or 
uneven environmental degradation in the Global South that include, but are not 
restricted to: processes of commodification; changing governance features; the 
politics and effectiveness of multi-stakeholder participation; co-management; 
determinants of complexity; decentralization and devolution; and their 
influence on social and environmental outcomes.

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