Dear EGSG members,

We are seeking nominations for the Roepke Lecture speaker for the AAG Annual 
Meeting 2019 (April 3-7, Washington, DC).

The Roepke Lecture is an opportunity to honor and showcase scholars who have 
made transformative contributions in the field of economic geography.  This 
year’s speaker is Katherine Gibson from the Institute for Culture and Society, 
Western Sydney University (see for details on her paper please see -

Recent lecturers are as follows:

2017 – Nancy Fraser, New School for Social Research
2016 – Amy Glasmeier, MIT
2015 – Jamie Peck, UBC
2014 – Linda McDowell, Oxford
2013 – Gordon Clark, Oxford
2012 – Dani Rodrik, Harvard
2011 – Trevor Barnes, UBC

The Roepke Lecture is co-sponsored by Economic 
Geography<> (EG), the AAG Economic 
Geography Specialty Group<> (EGSG), and the 
University of Illinois.  Roepke Lectures are also published as articles in 
Economic Geography.

Please send your nominations DIRECTLY to Jennifer Clark at 
<<>> and/or Jim Murphy 
<<>> by Thursday, February 15, 
2018.  Once nominations are received the EGSG Board and the EG 
Editors/Editorial Board will select the 2019 speaker from among those nominated.

(Note: Please do NOT hit 'reply' to this email message as your nomination will 
be sent to everyone on this list!)

We look forward to receiving your nominations.


Jennifer Clark, Georgia Tech (Chair, AAG Economic Geography Specialty Group)
Jim Murphy, Clark University (Editor-in-Chief, Economic Geography)

James T. Murphy, Ph.D.
Editor-in-Chief, Economic Geography
Associate Professor
Graduate School of Geography
Clark University
950 Main Street
Worcester, MA 01610

(508) 793-7687 (phone)
(508) 793-8881 (fax)<>

Economic Geography –<>

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