Dear friends and colleagues,

There may currently be some confusion about the venue of the 6th Global 
Conference on Economic Geography (GCEG) due to announcements and websites of 
groups claiming to host the 6th GCEG in 2021. As organizers of the previous 
GCEGs and the 5th Conference forthcoming in Cologne, we would like to point out 
that so far we have NOT confirmed support to any group or venue.

We believe that all future GCEGs should be organized in ways that reflect broad 
base support from home and international community, and represent the diversity 
of economic geography, including a good balance of organizing committee members 
by gender and career stage.

We hope to be able to announce the organizers and venue of the 6th GCEG at this 
year's GCEG in Cologne:<>

With best wishes,

Henry Yeung, Dariusz Wojcik, Boris Braun, Peter Dannenberg, Martina Fuchs, 
Javier Revilla Diez
Henry Yeung<>, Co-Director, 
GPN@NUS Centre<>
Professor of Economic Geography, National University of Singapore
Websites: Homepage<>,  Google 
Scholar<>, and 
Director, JY Pillay Comparative Asia Research 
Centre<>@NUS Global Asia Institute

* Recipient of the American Association of Geographers Distinguished 
Scholarship <> 
Honors 2018<> AND 
the UK Royal Geographical Society Murchison Award 
see NUS press release 
* My latest 2017 papers on East Asian developmental states in Cambridge J of 
Regions, Economy and <> 
Society<> (free 
 AND Area Development and 
Policy<> (free 
* Recent book with Cornell University Press: Strategic Coupling: East Asian 
Industrial Transformation in the New Global 
Economy<>, in 
Cornell Studies in Political Economy Series (series editor: Peter Katzenstein), 
April 2016.


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copy or use it for any purpose, nor disclose its contents to any other person. 
Thank you.

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