With apologies for cross-posting, please contact us if you are interested.
-> one week until deadline.

see also: https://www.researchgate.net/project/Family-firms-and-the-Regional-Economy/update/59de532cb53d2f8eb259d303

Best wishes and see you in Cologne,

Rodrigo & Lech

Cfa/ Cfp GCEG 2018, July 24-28 "SMEs, Family Firms, and Economic Geography"

Special Track - SMEs, Family Firms, and Economic Geography
5th Global Conference on Economic Geography (GCEG) 2018, July 24-28, Cologne (Germany)

Chair - Lech Suwala (Technische Universität zu Berlin / Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
Co-Chair - Rodrigo Basco (American University of Sharjah)

In the face of big business, big data and big transitions, there are still small and medium enterprises (SMEs), many of them family firms which provide the economic backbone and continuity in most economies. SMEs and family firms comprise diverse types of businesses from traditional Japanese century-old dynasties, America’s family farms, Germany’s Mittelstand to novel Shanghai and Silicon Valley’ elites. Simultaneously, they are geographically uneven phenomena with regard to their distribution, impact on, and interplay with the local, regional, and national level that require more academic attention in the field of economic geography.

We invite Economic Geographers and scholars from adjacent disciplines such as Regional Economics, Management, Organization Studies, and International Business with interest in spatialities of SMEs and families firms – in particular spaces (locations, places, landscapes) and scales (from local to global) to submit their research. Our rationale is to initiate a profound debate – independent of the methodological approach (qualitative or quantitative) – on SMEs and/or family businesses from a spatial context to shed light on past and current SME and/or family firm peculiarities and trajectories from around the world.

Conceptual, empirical and methodological papers might address, but are not limited to:
Conceptual and theoretical debates about the nature of SME/Family firms.
Evolution and trajectories of SME/ Family firms.
Contribution and impact of SME/ Family firms on the economy.
SME/ Family firm specific issues (succession, governance, reputation, professionnalisation etc.) in a spatial context.

To submit your abstract/paper, please visit the GCEG 2018 website; the call for abstracts will be open from November 15, 2017- March 15, 2018. For any other inquiries, feel free to contact us Lech Suwala (lech.suw...@geo.hu-berlin.de) and/or Rodrigo Basco (bascorodr...@gmail.com).


Prof. Dr. Lech Suwala
Professor in Urban and Regional Economics
Technische Universität Berlin
Institut für Stadt-und Regionalplanung
Hardenbergstr.40A / Sekr. B4 / Raum 208
10623 Berlin
Tel.       +49 30 314 28088
Tel. Sekr. +49 30 314 28089
Fax.       +49 30 314 28150


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