a kind reminder that the deadline of abstract submission for IJGIS Special
Issue on Spatial-Social Networks in GIScience is the coming Sunday
(February 10, 2019).

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Xinyue Ye <xinyue...@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Jan 7, 2019 at 7:05 PM
Subject: IJGIS Special Issue on Spatial-Social Networks in GIScience
To: <cpgi...@listserv.buffalo.edu>

In response to the overwhelming demand and winter break, the deadline for
abstract submission has been extended to February 10, 2019.

*CALL FOR PAPERS: IJGIS Special Issue on Spatial-Social Networks in

*Guest Editors: *Xinyue Ye and Clio Andris

To be published in the

*International Journal of Geographical Information Science*

In the past three years, “Spatial-Social Networks (SSNs) in GIScience”
sessions have attracted over 120 presentations at the AAG (American
Association of Geographers) Annual Meeting under the theme of Human
Dynamics Research in GIScience. Researchers have advanced the study of
social-spatial interactions through the development of more powerful
computing technologies, emerging (big and open) data sources, and new
perspectives on social-spatial processes. New opportunities emerge as we
are able to model interactions between social and physical spaces at
multiple spatial and temporal scales and with very fine granularity (e.g.,
focusing on individual people and/or buildings).

We invite papers that explore SSNs and develop integrated analyses of
spatial interaction, specifically codified here as social interaction
within physical spaces. Studying the structure of social networks within
geographic space can reveal whether relationships are clustered within
locales or across locales, and the extent to which nearby agents are
tightly connected. In addition, the existence of social network ties not
only be evidenced by, but may perpetuate future movement, information
transfer, influence, trade, etc. As such, analyses can explore a variety of
social networks in space, such as human movement, telecommunications
interactions, connections present in administrative records or self-report,
and social media connections. We are especially seeking SSNs of traditional
‘social networks’, where nodes are individuals and edges signify a
meaningful relationship between individuals. These SNs are geographic when
nodes include geospatial information, i.e. geolocation, so they can be
embedded within a GIS and associated with other spatial datasets.

Papers in the special issue are expected to advance theories, methods,
and/or applications that improve the integration of spatial and social
networks. We expect SSNs to be of interest to many disciplines, including
GIScience, geography, computer science, data science, economics, public
health, regional science, sociology, transportation, and urban planning. We
welcome submissions from interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research

*Appropriate topics in this special issue include (but are not limited to):*

This special issue will place an emphasis on the development of GIScience
research frameworks, theories, methods and good case studies of tackling
key research challenges related to the research of SSNs. Sample topics
include, but are not limited to:

·   Accuracy, privacy, and uncertainty of SSN data

·   Data sharing and dissemination in SSN research

·   Digital divide and sampling issues in SSN research

·   Dynamics of tie locations and tie strength on POI usage, land use and
the built environment

·   Information diffusion and disease spread through SSNs

·   Kinship ties and small or extended family distributions

·   Multi-scale spatiotemporal SSN analysis and modeling

·   SSNs in developing nations and of isolated populations

·   Professional ties and workplace/institutional relationships

·   Social network configuration and ensemble rules under special
situations (disasters, holidays, etc.)

·   Spatial agent-based models of SSNs

·   Uncovering SSNs that are hidden in different kinds of big and new data

·   Visualization and computation of SSNs

*Submission procedure:*

Interested authors should notify the guest editors of their intention to
submit a paper contribution by *sending the title and a 250 word abstract*
 to Xinyue Ye (x...@njit.edu) and

Clio Andris (c...@psu.edu) by *February 10, 2019*.

The deadline for *submissions *is *July 1, 2019*. All manuscripts are
subject to the normal IJGIS review process. For author instructions, please
refer to "*Instructions for authors
at the IJGIS journal homepage. All manuscripts, including support
materials, must be submitted using the journal's online Manuscript Central
 Please select "Special Issue
Paper" when you reach the "Article Type" step in the submission process and
indicate this special issue as the target issue. First-time users of the
Manuscript Central site must register themselves as an Author.  For
questions, please contact Xinyue Ye or Clio Andris.

*Important target dates:*

·       Submit abstracts to guest editors: *February 10, 2019*

·       Invite full paper submissions (no guarantee for final
acceptance): *February
28, 2019*

·       Submit full manuscripts to the IJGIS online Manuscript Central
Site: *July 1, 2019*

·       Expected final decision: *May 1, 2020*

·       Expected publication of the special issue: *November 2020*

*Special Issue Guest Editors*

Xinyue Ye, College of Computing, New Jersey Institute of Technology (

Clio Andris, Department of Geography, Penn State University (c...@psu.edu)

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