>Brian wrote:
>>Do the members of this discussion group believe the hypothesis that we are
>a >"plague species" and that our population will crash in the next     century
>no >matter what we as individuals or activist groups do?
>I do not believe we are a "plagued species".  Modern Civilization is most
>likely doomed, regardless of what people do, but I still think it is
>possible for humans to find a suitable and fulfilling place among the rest
>of the inhabitants of the planet.  The cards are stacked against us for
>pulling off a smooth transition, but the slower we act the worse things
>will get for all species.
>Live, Love, Learn, Laugh!
>Eric Storm

Quite a few of us on this list were around before Rachel Carson wrote
"Silent Spring". Whilst the mistakes that Carson wrote about are still
being repeated in other forms there is an awareness around now that wasn't
then. We may not be doing a lot about it as a species, and greed may still
rule for many, but I think the levers are going in to place that may one
day move the world. What we don't seem to be doing much about is finding a
real, practical way to help those who are too poor, tired and hungry to
have the energy to philosophise. We aren't sorting out the population
problem. And God (or whatever you believe in) knows what we can do about
those of us in the west who consume as much as the 12 people in the third
world who only get the same share of resources between them as one person
uses in our society. I suspect even the best of us is using way over our
share - and I'm not the best by a long road

kathryn - still hopeful

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