Winter beyond Basement B by Island (98.03.03)

DREAMED I'm in a library. A few books intrigue me that have just been brought
in to put on the shelves. The librarian tells me where to stack them. One book
I keep apart, thinking it is a book of literary criticism. It is not -- papers
by doctors I believe. It is slim and long, and I finally put it in the right
bin. I want to explore another literary area. It's in basement B, a basement
below A. I take the elevator down, am lost in a wintry forest where snow
covers the ground. A huge hill before me. No signs to the library. A man
directs me. He offers me chicken. I take a piece, and throw the fat away. A
rat comes along, runs over the good chicken and gobbles up the rat. I decide
not to tell the man I saw the rat, even though he might give the chicken
unwittingly to others. I take the long trudge up the hill with him both
walking the route and pointing it out to me. I'm furious when I arrive. This
shouldn't be. There should be markers. They say they agree, but those in
government don't care. I want to work here. A fugitive from justice who used
this as a hideaway just left, though she may return, but will be surprised to
learn they won't take her back. I'm to fill out a test with questions. I get
FEMALE FRIEND to ask the questions, because she's so thorough, wishing I could
have taped it so they could have used hers as a model. The librarian is
overhearing and curious. We're slowly changing the way things are done. I'm
waiting for the results to my responses.

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