-----Original Message-----
Date: Saturday, May 16, 1998 10:19 AM
Subject: Digest ed-core.v001.n066

|-------------- BEGIN ed-core.v001.n066 --------------
|    001 - Richard Catlett Wilkerson - The Dark Cave/Child Dreamer
|    002 - Richard Catlett Wilkerson - Winter beyond Basement B by Island
|    003 - Richard Catlett Wilkerson - An Ancient Beast Rises in a New York
City Park by Island
|  (98
|Electric Dreams Core Commentators
|--------------- MESSAGE ed-core.v001.n066.1 ---------------
|From: Richard Catlett Wilkerson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
|Subject: The Dark Cave/Child Dreamer
|Date: Fri, 15 May 1998 06:53:00 -0700
|MIME-Version: 1.0
|Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
|Dream Title              The Dark Cave/Child Dreamer
|Date of Dream            1972-1975
|Dream                    This is a recurring dream which I had between the
|age of 5-8 years, and it came at least once a week.
|I would be standing in a moon-like landscape facing a huge cave in the
|ground.  Steps were cut into the sides of the hole spiraling down to the
|bottom.  As I made my way down, I met people going up and down the steps.
|Everyone had a defect like having only one good eye, different lengths in
|the limbs etc, except me.  No one spoke but we all knew what we were
|supposed to do.  We grabbed thick ropes and descended to the bottom where
|lied a huge machine or some sort of vehicle.  We tied the ropes around the
|vehicle and hauled it to the top.  Just as the tip of the machine appeared
|at the mouth of the cave at the surface, the ropes snapped and it fell to
|the bottom again.  We would then proceed to start the whole process all
|over again
|Comments by Dreamer
|Permission to Comment    yes_share_comments
|Permission Comments
|--------------- MESSAGE ed-core.v001.n066.2 ---------------
|From: Richard Catlett Wilkerson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
|Subject: Winter beyond Basement B by Island (98.03.03)
|Date: Fri, 15 May 1998 06:59:22 -0700
|MIME-Version: 1.0
|Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
|Winter beyond Basement B by Island (98.03.03)
|DREAMED I'm in a library. A few books intrigue me that have just been
|in to put on the shelves. The librarian tells me where to stack them. One
|I keep apart, thinking it is a book of literary criticism. It is not --
|by doctors I believe. It is slim and long, and I finally put it in the
|bin. I want to explore another literary area. It's in basement B, a
|below A. I take the elevator down, am lost in a wintry forest where snow
|covers the ground. A huge hill before me. No signs to the library. A man
|directs me. He offers me chicken. I take a piece, and throw the fat away. A
|rat comes along, runs over the good chicken and gobbles up the rat. I
|not to tell the man I saw the rat, even though he might give the chicken
|unwittingly to others. I take the long trudge up the hill with him both
|walking the route and pointing it out to me. I'm furious when I arrive.
|shouldn't be. There should be markers. They say they agree, but those in
|government don't care. I want to work here. A fugitive from justice who
|this as a hideaway just left, though she may return, but will be surprised
|learn they won't take her back. I'm to fill out a test with questions. I
|FEMALE FRIEND to ask the questions, because she's so thorough, wishing I
|have taped it so they could have used hers as a model. The librarian is
|overhearing and curious. We're slowly changing the way things are done. I'm
|waiting for the results to my responses.
|--------------- MESSAGE ed-core.v001.n066.3 ---------------
|From: Richard Catlett Wilkerson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
|Subject: An Ancient Beast Rises in a New York City Park by Island
|  (98.03.08)
|Date: Fri, 15 May 1998 06:59:29 -0700
|MIME-Version: 1.0
|Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
|An Ancient Beast Rises in a New York City Park by Island (98.03.08)
|. . . DREAMED I'm at a huge gated field in the afternoon while everyone
|is involved in some sports activity. The people are gay and carefree, and
|notice the elderly more than any other age group. I'm peering through the
|gates, and HUSBAND calls from a distance to hold the gate open for him as
|others come in. They come in through some sort of main rotunda outside the
|gates, going beneath, as in an underground and surfacing to come through
|locked gates into the field. I've already been invited to play with them,
|it suggested what a wonderful time it would be. So I hold the gates open as
|the crowds come through, but HUSBAND never shows. I am very upset that he
|me stand in a position for him for so long and he never even arrives! So I
|head back to the apartment, thinking he'll be there. I'm walking down a
|I later say is near 28th, and as I walk the sidewalk -- I am aware of trees
|and buildings in the surrounding area, and I notice long running rows of
|liquid feces which I step into with my shoe and wipe off. I think it's
|in the area. Others are commenting to themselves to be careful and not step
|into it. Suddenly before me is this ancient beast, about the size of a hog,
|greenish brown short hair coat of fur, like a hugs, cloven hooves, but
|than a hog -- more like a fat dashund -- with a hideous intelligent animal
|face and tusks growing out. Terrifying. I believe it to be Satan's host. I
|scramble inside a small park with iron gates, but this animal begins to
|itself smaller so it can squeeze through. A bus comes along, and I beg to
|aboard. I tell them why, that I am without money, but I will mail the
|busdriver the fare. He tells me to forget it and is very kind. Another bus
|well -- for some sort of organized function -- does the same, and I think
|myself how fortunate I am that two buses in a row allowed me to board and
|escape without problems -- very unusual in New York City. Then I'm with a
|group of young people and we're talking about the beast. I see two items in
|young woman's suitcase that are like two I own -- the silk robe STEP-SON
|to me, and some scarf. When I commented, reached into her bag to show her,
|only one was there. They were aware of the beast, and cops were gathering
|details. I was in the process of describing the beast as greenish brown
when I
|--------------- END ed-core.v001.n066 ---------------
|ED-Core is an Electric Dreams Discussion List
|Courtesy of DreamGate www.dreamgate.com

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