DREAM: Protecting my Book by Cunyat

I am in a bookstore with a friend of mine. I am following him whilst he
buys a book for her wife. 
He buys a book on jogging, "Running for Health" and, as I practice that
sport regularly, I got somehow flattered. 

When we reach the cashbox, I see a book next to it which I instantly feel
it is a book of mine and I take it. I say: "That book was mine!" meaning
that I was carrying it when I entered the bookstore and I don't have to pay
for it.

And that's it.

When I recalled this dream it didn't look very interesting at first, but
when I began to play with it I soon realized that the book I took in the
dream was somehow very meaningful to me.

The book was dark brown, with hard covers, and it seems very precious to me
in the dream, as I hold it next to my chest. 

The first thing that struck me was that whilst the book is in the bar
supporting the cashbox it is upside down so that the front cover is not
visible, and when I hold the book the front cover is against my chest so
that it is not to be seen either. On the other hand, the back cover is 
blank and doesn't say anything.

I felt as though the book could show a part of me that I am afraid to show
to others for fear they could write, scratch or spoil the book, as that
would hurt me deeply.

When I tried to continue the dream so that it could make me feel better, I
found that the bookstore was in a first floor, and that its window opened
over a garden blown by a very refreshing wind.

I also found that the pages of the book were completely blank: white, new
pages with no traces of anything on them.

I wanted to get out to the garden and feel the fresh wind. Also I wanted to
get rid of the book. However, I could not leave the book behind, and at
last I found it attached to me by its spine, as though it were a part of me
(in fact the book sprouts from the middle of my trunk, its spine spanning
along part of my chest and belly, with the pages directed outwards).

What at last made me feel good was the image of myself flying over the
garden, with my book hanging down from me, so that its pages are also blown
by the wind, ready to get in touch with the elements and all the forces of

Trying to look at the dream from a psychology point of view (I'm not at all
a psychologist, so please forgive me if what I say looks silly from that
point of view), I would say that the dream  is trying to say to me the
following things: being quite a reserved and shy person, it seems that I am
afraid to look at life directly. That's the reason I follow my friend
sheepishly in the dream, using him in the dream (and perhaps others in real
life) as a barrier to shield me from the emotions of life.

That is the reason for the book being so white and untouched (not letting
the emotions of life to reach me), and I think that the dream is telling me
to open the book (my inner self) to life, to stop using others as shields,
to face life directly, to experience fully what life has to offer, and most
important, to enjoy it.

Hope you like my dream!

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