If this were my dream....

In my dream my girlfriend is sitting in my mother's room. This is significant for me. To sit in my mother's room is kind of like saying this scene is about what my mother might think about all of this. (not my real mother, but my inner mother, that nurturing but sometimes clinging part of us all). So, she sits on the bed, but there is not enough room for me there. The metaphor, to be in bed with someone is also the same as being in the room of someone, only stronger. That is, that there is something about Loana and my mother that are, in this instance, very, very similar.
I can't get that close. I have to sit on the floor, as if in my real life I hold myself above them, and now have to give way or suffer or be held below them. I am kept apart from them both by this attitude. It worked for my mother, I need to keep her at some distance. But I want to share the bed with my girlfriend.
So things are stuck. Me on floor, Girlfriend on the bed. A new character comes in the advance the situation, my cousin. My dream cousin is not so close as my mother - I can even be a kissing cousing with her at times. But not around my girlfriend. She seemed repulsed or driven away by this close connection I have with my cousin. This concerns me. Will my girlfriend ever be able to get really close to me, or will she be repulsed by my inner most desires? I desire both. I want the girl, but I also want to be myself. Can the two be reconcilled?

Thanks Daniel for sharing the dream. I can't say if it is the sign you want or not. For me it was more about my own concern that Loana will in fact turn out to be more like my mother than a person who can deeply love me. However, the attraction to her needs to be acknowledged somehow in my own dream-take, its not clear to me how this will get worked out.

- Richard

At 09:52 PM 8/15/98 -0300, you wrote:
I'm brazilian and I've got a dream very different to me, because I'm thinking very much about it.
Before speak about the dream, I need to give you details. I love very much a woman and, when I spook to her, she speaks to me: "I don't want". It was about 1 year ago. In this time, I've got very many dreams with her, but nothing different of normal. But, last week, I have a dream and I'll speak about it below.
The dream:
In the afternoon, Loana (her name) and me was watching TV in my mother's bedroom: I had sit down on the floor and her sits down on the my mother's bed. Suddenly my cousin (Isabela is her name) arrived and she kisses my mouth. When Loana saw it, she stands up and ask me: "Who is she?". When I answered "She's my cousin", Loana leaves running.
Well, if you may help me I'll say "Thank very much" everyday.
My dream can be a sign about a fact? If it's true, what?
I acknowledge beforehand,

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