ship dream-indirectly led you to the right or left of the ladder and suggested
that "had to" not be a part of the day following
mom dream-indirectly led you to the right or left of the house and suggested
that being someone others have to "keep saying to" be not a part of the day


thanks to Pacifica for your interest in the dream hot-line and heratheta. i
remember this last summer riding the pacific coast highway north toward
halfmoon bay and smelling the lemon grass along the way from big sur. 
check out the corner of northpoint and polk when next in san francisco for a
graffitti like dream wall painting.
i never got the complete telephone number of the artists included below the
painting but i called what i could remember and it was disconnected.
 maybe it is an old painting.
i tried asking other people about it but it is a provocative painting and i
suspect it may still be quite a while befor i hear from anyone else about the
painting living in or visiting the city.
there are a number of these dream paintings, one may be seen if you are
heading eastish toward fisherman's warf from the above location. this twin
like painting is high on a building wall suggesting to me that it may have
been some kind of city funded or otherwise well funded effort requiring either
scaffolding or a hanging billboard makers' apparatus.
anyway, those paintings were a breath of fresh air in my 21 year jouney along
the route of peace along with the works of heraclitus,chuang
tsu,yeats,gellis,bulkley, and wilkerson.

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