title: the dreamer and the dreamed. - anon
Date of Dream            7/9/98
Dream                    I am a server at the banquet of the queen, a
chubby little cherub all golden from the shoulders down, flesh from the
shoulders up. I am standing in a corridor of the queen's palace, waiting to
serve and proudly holding my little golden serving tray. I am proud to be a
server at the banquet of the queen: it is a good and fine thing to do; it
gives me standing and status. all of a sudden the queen comes flying in.
she is all golden and has wings like those of a dragon fly on her back. she
takes a little golden pitcher, and pours molten gold like honey over my
head, making me now gold all over. while she pours she says, "is the source
of the dream the dreamer, or is the source of the dreamer the dream?"
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