Dream Title              The Bomb
Date of Dream            1st-5/98 2nd-6/98
Dream                    The first bomb dream occured in a shopping centre.
I was there with my boyfriend and we had been looking around for food. Then
when we came to leave (without buying anything) we went into the exit area
and someone shouted that there was a bomb. Then the bomb experts came in
(everyone was panicking but still staying in the building) and they were
trying to disarm the bomb, but me and my boyfriend started having an
argument and we distracted them and the bomb went off.

The second drem was exactly the same up until someone said there was a
bomb. At this point I sneaked out of the building and avoided my boyfriend
thinking that I would stop the bomb going off because I wasn't distracting
them. Then I drove past later and the buiding was still in tact.
Comments by Dreamer      It happened around the time of the Omagh bomb in
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