Dream Title              Confused & Trapped
Date of Dream            10-18-98 3:13am
Dream                    I woke up inside a meat locker. It was freezing
and dark. There are slabs of meat hanging everywhere. I began running
around trying to keep warm and sreach for away out. All I had to wear was a
pair of shorts, a T-shirt and I was bare foot. I thought ok maybe I need to
cut the meat, then I could go. So, I looked around for something to cut
with. There was nothing, the place was empty. The meat and I were all that
exsisted. I keep running because it was to cold and I thought I would
freeze if I did. It seemed has if hours or days had went by. I finally
could not run anymore I was to tired to continue on. So, I laid and went to
Comments by Dreamer      The only comment is that when I woke up after the
dream I was very cold.
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