Dream Title              (not required)
Date of Dream            (not required)  nov. 15 1998 3:30am
Dream                    this is a little bit about who the people are.
Jamie is a friend of mine from work. she was engaged to the guy dale who
had a couple of kids (about 13 years old) and they broke up because of
them. Jamie lives in an apartment made from an old house. now my dream: i
was at jamies house it was a whole house in my dream, but it was not jamies
actual house i have never seen this one before. anyway i was by myself
waiting for her and looking through her house all the bedrooms were empty
except for hers there were 3 beds in there and that was all the house i saw
except the kitchen i was in there making myself spagetti ohs when a girl
about thirteen walks in i've never seen her before don't even know her name
and we begin talking i ask when jamie will be home she says she doesn't
know then we start discussing the house she says it's for sale i ask how
much she says about $78,000 dollars it has 4 bedrooms and is in very good
condition for how old it is then we !
start discussing where i used to live i say in a trailer park (which is
true) then i show her a map of the trailer park and where i was on the map
(the map is not of the actual trailer park i used to live) but for some
reason we end up there i don't know how but we are walking around the
trailer park talking as if she were the older one she had deep insite about
life and how it should be i don't remember the exact conversation but then
my dream just jumps ahead to me talking to my husband about this great
house i saw that was for sale in our price range and how many bedrooms it
has right as we were in the middle of this dicussion we end up standing in
the house and a realator pops up and says it only has three bedrooms (i
think it was a realator) and hes not sure he wants an oder house then i
wake up.    
Comments by Dreamer      Comment on Dreams : I got chills up my spine when
writing about the thirteen year old girl i wish i knew what this dream meant
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