Dear Dreamers,

           in order to terminate the Month of the Deads on a proper note and
to strenghten your convictions about the existence of the other world, lets
use some Holy scriptures' passages to pinpoint and illustrate the widely
common phenomena of Apparitions of Ghosts in dreams... in conjunction with
the Resurrection of the Deads.

        In english, unlike in my french mother tongue, you use two words for
apparitions, namely "apparitions" and "appearances", while in french we have
only the word "apparitions" although, in the spiritual context, we may also
use the term "manifestations" which is also used in your language.

        Anyways, once it is clear in our minds, that the manifestations of
any Ghosts of the Deads or of Animal Spirits "in dreams" was known in the
past as "Apparitions", the understanding of any Holy Scriptures of the
Universe becomes clear like pure spring water... because then you know what
they are talking about and you dont have to be a Genius, a Wizard or a
Sorcerer to see this... just a smart dreamer with a little bit of
intellect... under the guiding clairvoyance a Real Dream Interpreter to open
your sleeping eyes. 

        Let me briefly illustrate with a few most appropriate words from the
Bardo Thodol, the Tibetan Book of the Dead...

"Grasping the True nature of dreams,

May I train myself in the clear Light of the Miraculous Transformation.

May I recognise whatever appareth as being Spiritual Forms,

May I know them to be Apparitions...
When the apparitions of the Peaceful and Wrathful forms are dawning upon me
Let it come that I, obtaining the assurance of fearlessness, may I recognize
the Bardo."

     ... which clearly indicate that it is from the Dreams of the Ghosts of
the Deads that we can prove the existence of the Other World that we visit
in dreams.

  However, since most of you dont even care to possess a copy of the Bardo
Thodol and that you read with more attention the National Enquirer and can
relate better to the often divine illustrations of PlayBoy and PlayGirl Mags
more than you do with the precious words any Holy Scriptures... let me try
to illustrate this precious phenomena of Apparitions of Ghosts of the Deads
with passages from the Christian Book of the Dead, better known as the
Bibliis Aranum Arcanum or the Great Book of the Mystery of Mysteries more
vulgurly known again as the Bible.

  I fully realise that most of you don't believe in nothing that has been
written in this book and can only see some use in it as toilet paper, and
that's quite understandable with what the stupid priests like Saint Jerome
and some Popes have done with it... but still, if one looks carefully, you
will see some passages which fortunately have not been adulterated by these
materialistic people who dont have any clue about true Spirituality.

 So, pay attention to the following words which have been written for your
own eternal sake... and I'm not kidding...

       "In Gibeon, the Lord appeared to Solomon during the night in a dream,
and God said, "Ask for whatever you want me to give you.""
(Words of King Solomon preserved in 1 Kings 3,5)

    ...can you capiche this? You see, here the word "apparition" is included
in the verb "appeared"  and the Lord, in the Ghost Form of a Previous Life,
appeared to Solomon, his New Mortal Incarnation... in a Dream!!! Let's see
one more time...

    "Do not be afraid, Abraham, I am your shield and your very great
reward." said the Lord to Abraham in a vision of the night, as reported in
Genesis 15.1 and he added..."A son coming out of your own body will be your

     ... this is very simple language... and how can a man give birth to a
son? This is exclusively about the spiritual birth of the Ghost drawn to the
image of the flesh body! Let me show you another example...

You are all aware of the Transfiguration of Jesus, which is described in
Luke 9,28-34, Mark 9,1-10, and Matthew 17,1-11,... when he was seen in a
dream (Luke 9,32), by Peter, John and James, talking with Moses and Elijah,
two of the previous Horsemen of the Winged-Horse... who had been dead for
numerous centuries...

               "Peter and his companions were very sleepy, but when they
became fully awake, they saw his glory and the two men standing with him."
(Luke 9,32)
               "...the appearance of his face changed, and his clothes
became as bright as a flash of lightning. Two men, Moses and Elijah,
appeared in Glorious splendor, talking with Jesus."(Luke 9,29-31) see the Ghosts of Moses and Elijah made an apparition and appeared
in Glorious Splendor... and spoke and at the end of this story the Apostles
were discussing about the Rising or Resurrection of the Deads!!! (Mark 9,9-10)

   So, you can understand the meaning of the famous words of Jesus...

"Except a Man be Reborn, he cannot see the Kingdom of God." (John 3,5) ... and 
"I and the Father are One. (John 10,30)

  ...and this is the same phenomenon in all the Holy Scriptures and
Mythological Accounts everywhere and compare again with the interesting
Celtic Oneiric Anecdote of the hero Cu Chulain...from extracts of the
"Celtic Mysteries "
by J.Sharkey p.10 & 11...

        "The great epic Tain Bo Cualgne, "The Cattle Raid of Cooley", shows
the warrior hero Cu Chulainn single-handedly defending the Northern Province
against "the Men of Ireland". In one episode, when the champion is badly
wounded and needs a respite, the Sun-God Lugh of the Long Arm himself
appears.... walking unconcernedly through the carnage of the battle.
          "Who are you?" Cu Chulainn asks the Ghost Warrior. 

          "Your Father from the Outerworld am I,... Lugh of Enthliu. Sleep a
while, Cu Chulainn," says the Radiant Warrior, "and I will oppose all
during that time."  He examines each wound so that it becomes clean. Then He
sings him "men's low strain" so that Cu Chulainn falls asleep."

         "The Ghost Warrior from the Sidh, "a man born not of a woman" tells
Cu Chulainn to sleep, "for they have no power over your life at this time".
In the bardo state the Hero is neither dead nor awake; like Arthur asleep
below the hillside, he is "once and future king" - ritually bound as a cosmic
embodiment of the Ancient dream state."

           You see, once again in this Apparition account where Lugh of the
Long Arm "APPEARS" to Cu Chulain it happens "in a dream" and this very
natural and normal oneiric phenomena, which has been called by some as
"Transfiguration".... is a universally well-known phenomena when aghost of a
previous life, a Spiritual Father of the Otherworld, appears for guidance
and/or instruction.

       But, not only Ghosts of the Departed appear... also Eternal Spirits
also known as Angels also appear the same usual and most conventional way...  

      "...An Angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said:
"Joseph, ......... . ........". When Joseph woke up, he did what the Angel
of the Lord had commanded him..."
  (Words exposed in Matthew 1.24)

       " And the Angel of God spake unto me in a dream, saying "Jacob": and
I said, "Here am I. ......"  (Words of Jacob, in Genesis 31.11....31.16), I don't know if you begin to get the picture, but here is the story
of another great Biblical Apparition from Maccabeus...

                2Mac3 22-30

[22] While they were calling upon the Almighty Lord that he would keep what
had been entrusted safe and secure for those who had entrusted it, 
[23] Heliodorus went on with what had been decided. 
[24] But when he arrived at the treasury with his bodyguard, then and there
the Sovereign of spirits and of all authority caused so great a
manifestation that all who had been so bold as to accompany him were
astounded by the power of God, and became faint with terror. 
[25] For there appeared to them a magnificently caparisoned horse, with a
rider of frightening men, and it rushed furiously at Heliodorus and struck
at him with its front hoofs. Its rider was seen to have armor and weapons of
[26] Two young men also appeared to him, remarkably strong, gloriously
beautiful and splendidly dressed, who stood on each side of him and scourged
him continuously, inflicting many blows on him. 

 [30] they praised the Lord who had acted marvelously for his own place. And
the temple, which a little while before was full of fear and disturbance,
was filled with joy and gladness, now that the Almighty Lord had appeared.

..... The following from 10,29-30, which narrates what happened in the Light
of the Rising even more revealing....

                2Mac10 29-30

[29] When the battle became fierce, there appeared to the enemy from heaven
five resplendent men on horses with golden
bridles, and they were leading the Jews. 
[30] Surrounding Maccabeus and protecting him with their own armor and
weapons, they kept him from being wounded. And they showered arrows and
thunderbolts upon the enemy, so that, confused and blinded, they were thrown
into disorder and cut to pieces. 

  ... how interesting... the phenomena of Apparitions...and again in

                2Mac11 6-11

[6] When Maccabeus and his men got word that Lysias was besieging the
strongholds, they and all the people, with lamentations and tears, besought
the Lord to send a good angel to save Israel. 
[7] Maccabeus himself was the first to take up arms, and he urged the others
to risk their lives with him to aid their brethren. Then they eagerly rushed
off together. 
[8] And there, while they were still near Jerusalem, a horseman appeared at
their head, clothed in white and brandishing weapons of gold. 
[9] And they all together praised the merciful God, and were strengthened in
heart, ready to assail not only men but the wildest beasts or walls of iron. 
[10] They advanced in battle order, having their heavenly ally, for the Lord
had mercy on them.    

   ... you see my friends these are stories of oral debates relating to the
apparitions of Ghosts and Spirits. If you can see and understand that you'll
be doing fine... and here is another example showing another Apparition of
the Spirit of the stated in 2 Kings 2,11-15...

         "And it came to pass, as they still went on, and talked, that,
behold, there appeared a Chariot of Fire and Horses of Fire, and parted them
both asunder; and Elijah went up to Heaven in a whirlwind.

           And Elisha saw it, and he cried, "My Father! My Father! The
Chariot of Israël and the Horsemen thereof."" (11 & 12)

     ... and this exactly the same type of Apparition as the one of
Nutcracker in her "Revelation" dream.

 However, the best accounts of Apparitions in the Bible remain the
Apparitions of Jesus after his death... 

 First of all when he died all the Ghosts of his Previous Incarnations
appeared to many people, in dreams of course...

  "The tombs broke open and the bodies of many Saints who had died were
raised to life. They came out of the tombs, and after Jesus' resurrection
they went into the Holy City and "appeared" to many people." (Mat. 27,52-53)

 Hey! What a real Hallows'Even that was... with the Glorious Holy Ghosts
coming to town!!! Yes! all the Ghosts of Adam and Amen (Amon) and Abraham
and Moses and Elijah and Solomon and David and Apollo and you name
them...and that is a very well known phenomena that when a Saint dies, for
whatever the reason, natural or not, all the Ghosts of his Previous Lives
appear in dreams to all kinds of people. 

 Yes! this is true and I have on hand several accounts of deaths or burials
of other Saints like Adam and Moses and Buddha and Padma-Sambhava and it is
always the same spiritual ritual where the Ghosts of his Previous Lives come
to escort his New Ghost into his Kingdom. 

 Regardless, of this known phenomena, he alone, after his material death,
made countless apparitions to hundreds of people, as we can read in several

  "... that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to
the Scriptures and that he appeared to Peter and then to the Twelve. After
that, he appeared to more than five hundred of the brethen at the same time,
most of whom are still living, though some have fallen asleep." (1
Corinthians 15,4-7)

 ...and talking of sleepers, he also appeared in a different form, which I
am aware of, as stated in the following words of Mark in Mark 16,9 to 15...

 "... he appeared to Mary Magdalene..." (16,9) ... "Afterward Jesus appeared
"in a different form" to two of them... (Women of Galilee)... "

 "Later, Jesus appeared to the Eleven... He rebuked them for their lack of
faith and their stubborn refusal to believe those who had seen him after he
had risen.
 He said to them, "Go into all the World and preach the good news to all
creation. Whoever believes and is baptised will be saved, but whoever does
not believe will be condemned." (Mark 16,14-15)

 Wow! and you know the people were all confused, in those days just as you
are today, about the Kingdom of Jesus because they believed that ..."...The
Kingdom of God was to appear all at once." (Luke 19,11) 
 ....and this is the final remark of Jesus in this story...
"But those ennemies of mine who did not want me to be King over them - bring
them here and kill them in front of me." (Luke 19,27)

 Wow! how profound! You had never heard Jesus speak like a real
mass killer!! Well what he says is true because this is how he treats
miscreant and ungrateful idiots who disown him when he comes in the flesh in
the material world upon their after death arrival in his spiritual world...

 "Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but who cannot kill the soul.
Rather, be afraid of the one who can destroy both soul and body in Hell."
(Mat. 10,28)

  ... and still one of the best accounts of his Victory over Death is in his
Apparition to Paul, whom Jesus was calling Saul, in which he told him the

 ""I am Jesus whom you are persecuting," the Lord replied. "Now get up and
stand on your feet. I have APPEARED to you to appoint you as a servant and
as a witness of what you have seen of me and what I will show you." (Acts

 You see, these are Apparitions and these apparitions occur in dreams...
because it is in dreams that Ghosts appear and are seen living eternally
after death.

 Do you still have any problems with that very normal oneiric phenoma of
Apparitions in dreams??? I hope not... for your own sake... because it is
written that...

 "...He has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the Saints in the
Kingdom of Light. For he has rescued us from the Dominion of Darkness and
brought us into the Kingdom...." (Colossians 1, 12-13)... in the context of
he knowledge of his will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding
which is the knowledge of God... (Colossians 1,9-10)... and of his Kingdom..."

 ... and Jesus still appears to people in dreams. Quite often too.

 "He is the image of the invisible God, the First-Born over all Creation.
For by Him all things were created; things in Heaven and on Earth, visible
and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all
things were created by him and for him. He is before all things and in him
all things hold together. And he is the the head of the body, the Church; He
is the Beginning and the First-Born among the Dead, so that in everything he
might have the Supremacy." (Colossians 1,15-18) 

 Anyways, my dear Dreamers, you may not be aware of this but, when you dream
and are in Dreamland, you are just like him in your own glorious spiritual
and immortal bodies and as such you are called the Children of God...

 "And now dear children continue in him, so that when he appears we may be
confident and unashamed before him at his coming." (1 John 2,28)

   ...and yes, he is coming and not only that, if you can acknowledge that
the Rider on the White Horse is him, Faithful and True and that you have his
Seal... the Horse of the Apocalypse... on your forehead, (Rev.9,4) you'll be
allright... as his child forever...

 "If you know that he is righteous, you know that everyone who does what is
right has been born of him." (1 John 2,29)

 ...because even if you only thought that you had been born from your
physical mother... your Immortal Ghost Body, your Robe of Honor as the
Muslims say, is created by God...

 "Dear friends, now we are Children of God, and what we will be (after
death) has not yet been made known. But we know that when he "appears", we
shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is. Everyone who has this hope
in him purifies himself, just as he is pure." (1 John 3,2-3)

 ...and this is true my dreaming friends, because when you see apparitions
you are also in the same Ghostly Form yourself!!! Can you see and realise
that this higher knowledge purifies the soul? Quite subtile but most simple!!

 Ignorance is the mother of all sins just as wisdom is the mother of purity. 

 Well, finally, just in case that you don't believe in God's existence nor
in none these dreams which all emanate from Him and of which you are the
victims, like Revelation of Nutcracker, Buddha Baby of Ione and etc., which
clearly indicate that he, "The Rider on the Horse" is here, accordingly to
the world prophecies... 

"Vishnu will return as Kalki, the last Avatar, on the Horse amid fire and
flame, blazing like a comet." (Kalki Purana)

"Sosiosh,  will be brought down on a Horse in a "tornado of fire." (Magian

"And I saw heaven open and behold a white horse, and he that sat upon called the Word of God...amid flaming fire (thunder and
lightning)...  (Rev.19, 11)

 "The Lord(Christos) shall be revealed with his mighty angel in flaming fire." 
(2 Thessalonians 1,7-8)

 ...and, just in case that you still fail to understand, let me give you
another dream, this time from Mrs. Rita Deuman in which you will see him in
his different forms as the Army of Heaven, as "the Chariot of Israel and the
Horsemen thereof"... which dream is basically the reconstitution of one of
his previous lives as the prophet Eli, as described in The Second Book of
the Kings. The funny thing about this dream is that Rita doesn't know about
the Bible.


    So, I again prepared for another trip.  I gathered a curse to fill one
hand (which could already be someone else's prayer), and in the
other I carried a prayer (that could be someone else's curse).
    In a finger snap, I was there standing before His Magnificence.
The Big Man, the Lord Himself, stood ten feet before me.
    God looked at me and asked, "Where's the White Horse?"
    "Oh," I briefly pondered and remembered the White Horse.
The Lord had given me a White Horse and said: "Should you
get off the White Horse for any reason, it will be your DOOM.
You'll not come back a thief twice."
    Quickly, I replied, "I didn't get off the White Horse.  It disappeared.
It was stolen.  The Death Rider has it now."  I clearly remembered
the day that the mount disappeared.  I had placed my ear to the
ground and I could feel the vibrations of the horse's hoofs as the
rider approached.  I could hear the approaching Rider say: "You
lost the cold war.  You lost the cold war."
    I quickly explained: "When DEATH appeared, it came like a herd
of speeding, stampeding horses and ran over my counterpart.
My poor soul mate lay there almost dead.  There was only a
tiny spark of life.  I could see by the dust cloud that the herd had
circled and was now waiting on the high hill to the right.  They were
waiting to stampede again."
    God said, "So."
    I couldn't understand what God was saying when He Spoke.
HIS words placed me beside myself.  "So," I blurted.  "So, is
something that I would expect from a mere mortal.  Certainly, not
from the likes of YOU."  Again I pointed to the horses standing
on the high hill and asked, "Don't you see those horses?"
    God lifted his arm.  By each horse appeared a standing soldier.
Each soldier was holding a horse's mane high.  Both a horse and
a soldier stood at the top of the hill to which I was pointing.
    Then God slightly moved his hand backward, and the hill became
a full circle.  I saw many horses standing at the top of the full circle,
but I woke before I saw if each standing horse had a soldier.
    All I could remember was that my chosen horse-figure had an
identification sign, saying: "United States Pharmacopeia."
The End of Dream

 Now, dear Rita, your "Truth" dream is very good.... and let me show you the
Horses... and the Horsemen of the Apocalypse...

 Take your Bible... and go to 2 Kings...

2,11-16... were you will get introduced to the Horse of Fire, the Chariot of
Israel and the Horsemen thereof... and to the Spirit of the Lord which
carried him!!!

6,16-17.... were you will see these Horses and Horsemen placed in circle on
the Hill... exactly as you described!!!

13,14...  the Death of the Rider... which shows that Elijah who ascended on
the the Horse of Fire was the Ghost of Elisha or material incarnation of
Eli... who were both "The Chariot of Israel and the Horsemen thereof!!!  

23,11 ... the destruction of God's Temple. Awful destruction but excellent

  ...and then go to the Book of Revelation...

1,5... where you will see who is the First-born from the Deads... the living
Death Rider!!!

6,1-8... where you will see the Horsemen of the Apocalypse!!!

9,7-11... where you will see the Army of Heaven!!! 

19,11-16... where you you will see the White Horse, the Angel, the Throne of

  ...and, finally my friends, I told her that the medicinal knowledge of the
Winged-Horse Rider is the one which can cure the sick material World in
which we live... and if there is a part of the World which is awfully sick
right now, it has to be the United States of America which imperialistic
materialism is destroying the physical side of the World... which happens to
be the school of the other world...

 "Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world,
the love of the Father is not in him. For everything in the world - the
cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes and the boasting of what he has
and does - comes not from the Father but from the world. The world and its
desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever." (1
John 2,15-17)
 Therefore, I have a few questions for you and my first question is...

 "How many examples of Apparitions of Ghosts of the Departed do you need to
be able to understand these simple little oneiric things which confirm the
existence of the spiritual world?"

      ...and my second question is...

 "What do you believe to be the purpose of your ephemeral presence on Earth?"

      ...and my third question is...

 "Why did God create dreams?"

      ...and my last question is...

 "Why can't you see the Other World?"

 If you can't answer these most simple questions with all the solid examples
which I gave you and you still fail to recognise the existence of the Other
World... don't count on a reward after death... because, it is a known fact
that it is easier for a camel to go through the hole of a needle than for a
greedy materialist to enter Heaven ...(Mat.19,24, Mark 10,25 and Luke
18,25)...and only the ones who will recognise the New Living Incarnation of
the Creator will be allowed to enter his Everlasting Kingdom... because
greedy materialists only take everything from God who gave everything and
don't give nothing back and therefore are considered as thieves of the

 And here is the final extract from a dream of Rita Deuman, entitled "God
Visits" once again to illustrate the fate of greedy materialists who make
the world really sick...

>    I was awestruck.  The nine-foot narrator had moved to the archway
>center.  I noticed that the ground did not tremble.  Again I stared at the
>large blurred human image.  The figure pointed to a feather, saying, "What
>is my World War prize, too, doing here?"  
>    Shrugging my shoulders in an "excuse me" manner, I answered,
>"How should I know?"
>    The massive figure formation had faded and reappeared.  I could hear my
>thoughts.  I noticed that the figure had moved again, and the ground still
>did not tremble, as the dream itself had led me to believe.  The phenomenon,
>calling itself God, reached for the feather and pulled it down.
>    The feather had turned into a pill as it was dropped into an
>outstretched hand.  The narrator spoke: "You will know ME by MY name."
>    I saw the pill, which also emulated the words: "It shall be etched in
>stone, and hung high in the Heavens for all of eternity to witness."
>    I looked closer at the pill.  Its fine print magnified into a large
>clear written verse, "What God gave to the world, they would not give to His
>    The dream jolted me awake.

 So, try remembering as stated in Revelation 19,11 that the Winged-Horse
Rider has a name written on himself that he is the only one to know which is...

 "King of Kings and Lord of Lords"

 ...and as declared by God himself...

>"It shall be etched in
>stone, and hung high in the Heavens for all of eternity to witness."

 ... in dreams and may the understanding of true nature of dreams help you
see the Light of the Miraculous Transformation which could, if you wish,
make you live beyond Death.

     "Thou shalt understand that it is a Science most profitable, and passing
all other sciences, for to learn to die. .... I shall give thee the Mystery
of this Doctrine; the which shall profit thee greatly to the beginning of 
Ghostly Health, and to a stable fundament of all virtues."
(Orologium Sapientiae- from "The Book of the Craft of Dying" ...
Comper's Edition)

 "Are you not in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power
of God? When the dead rise... they will be like the angels in heaven."
 (Words of Jesus in Mark 12,24-25)

 And to be honest with you, as previously stated, Jesus of Nazareth still
appears in dreams to lots of people...

Jesus of Nazareth

Posted by JENNY on October 25, 1998 at 16:28:44: at Tigers' Nest

I dreamed my pastor (female) was dressed in white and singing on a hill.
next thing I know im following jesus down this long hall,he was all in
white,& sandels,he had a shawl like thing drapped across his shoulder. half
way down the hall he put the shawl like thing over his head.i continued to
follow him down this hall.before we reached the end of the hall he turned
around and handed me the shawl,I wrapped it around me and i could feel the
warmth of his body in it.I will never forget the look on his face! and those
beautiful eyes! he just stood there smiling at me,then i woke up. only
serious people please tell me what this means! 


Thank you and Bravo! Jenny... ([EMAIL PROTECTED])... and as can see folks
this person is a very nice soul to get such a nice visit and reward. 

 What a beautiful and warm apparition of Jesus... who is still fine and well
in his Glorious Ghostly Immortal Body. Thank You! 2000 years old young Jesus!

 "But we know that when he "appears", we shall be like him, for we shall see
him as he is. Everyone who has this hope in him purifies himself, just as he
is pure." (1 John 3,2-3)

 Oh! I love these dreams... don't you?

 Can't you see Him? Why can't you see the Immortal Ghosts... because I see
them in my dreams and in the dreams of others... and most people do and when
we do that we are also in our individual immortal Ghost Bodies? How

 And that's the way it works! That's all! And please do like Jesus suggests,
"Keep your head warm"... because what's inside, if it ever thinks a little,
might save you, if you can recognize and acknowledge the presence of the
Other Kingdom?!

Thank You and Best Wishes for a Happy Month of the Rising Deads,


 Dr. Deus



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