I know. You're right. I will try to pursue this. I have actively procrastinated performance because this often was the next thing that unfolded after it didn't work at all, like on NASA. (Note on NASA, I think it has had a regression and returns "1 character" again. I think this has to do with cloneNode copying handlers which is in a jquery "supports" test. Except we implemented that, so maybe this isn't the cause.)

So this website hangs forever, and you can't even ^c out of it.

I get a libcurl error on this. SSL connect error in libcurl: error:1407742E:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:tlsv1 alert protocol version

But maybe I can upgrade my libcurl and take care of it.

You know that person who wrote on github and reordered the sections of the README? Do you write to people like that and try to allure them into coding something? "As long as you've done a lovely job improving the instructions, would you like to do some more.."

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