I'm writing a PEIM for a USB3 device but having trouble even getting the
UsbBusPie and XhciPei modules to load during boot.

I thought getting the existing Usb Peims to load would be a good first step.
I looked at the DEPEX for both of the above modules and tried removing
"gEfiPeiBootInRecoveryModePpiGuid" but I didn't see them load.  If I set
both of their DEPEX == TRUE then I see some print statements that show they
are at least trying to load but then I have a chicken and egg problem in
that UsbBusPie needs either gPeiUsbHostControllerPpiGuid or
gPeiUsb2HostControllerPpiGuid which come from XhciPei.  However, XhciPei
needs gPeiUsbControllerPpiGuid which comes from UsbBusPei before  it will
install the gPeiUsb2HostControllerPpiGuid.  The same cross dependency is
shown in the DEPEX for these two modules.

I feel like I'm missing something simple and fundamental and I'm hoping
someone will point me in the right direction.

Eric W

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