Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, Shubha Ramani had to 
walk into mine at 15:45:52 on Saturday 26 September 2015 and say:

> Yes it's a bug but...
> OK I'm a dumb-ass. What I'm asking for with 0xCF8/0xCFC doesn't make sense.
> I just learned the basics of this 0xCF8/0xCFC stuff. 1) Output the I/O
> Configuration ADDRESS to I/O port 0xCF8 using a 32-bit write command
> ("point")2) Use a byte, word, or dword command to to access DATA from I/O
> port 0xCFC-CFF ("shoot") The Configuration Address is obtained by step 1).
> A signal is asserted to the device being accessed. I don't think the PCI
> spec has changed in ages so these are still 32-bit commands.   Shubha D.
> ramanishubharam...@gmail.com shubharam...@yahoo.com

Earlier I asked you for some information about your hardware and you insisted 
you weren't allowed to say anything about it. You need to loosen up on this 
just a little bit, because otherwise there's really no way we can help you.

There is just one question that I would like answering which I don't think 
will result in the release of incredibly important proprietary info, and that 
is: is the target system you're using an off-the-shelf machine, yes or no?

The reason I ask is that like I said earlier, if there's more than one PCI 
segment on your system, the ACPI tables should say so, and I would expect the 
UEFI firmware to figure it out since it relies on ACPI for system information 
just like everyone else. Sometimes though, the ACPI tables are wrong. I've got 
an Intel production motherboard with a Pentium4 processor on it (D915GEV, or 
something like that), that quite clearly has a COM1 serial port on it, but the 
ACPI device table doesn't list it. That said, you are more likely to see such 
errors in prototype hardware as opposed to production hardware, especially for 
something like this, because if it's broken on a production board then not 
even Windows will work correctly on it.

So, if this is a prototype board rather than an off-the-shelf production 
board, then the problem might be that it has a bogus ACPI device table. It 
might also have a faulty pre-release UEFI firmware build on it too. If that's 
the case, you should be talking to whoever made the prototype board and 
confirming that they got the ACPI tables right rather than making the blanket 
statement that "there's a bug in UEFI."

There may come a point in the investigation of a fault where you get to say 
"if there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the 
universe." I don't think you've reached that point yet.

You could try temporarily booting FreeBSD or Linux on this hardware so that 
you can dump and inspect the ACPI device table and confirm that there's more 
than one PCI roots. (There may be an EFI utility for doing that too, but I 
don't know offhand. I usually just use FreeBSD's acpidump tool.)


>      On Saturday, September 26, 2015 6:05 AM, Shubha Ramani
> <shubharam...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>  It's a bug. That's the problem I've been having. Can someone fix it
> ?Apparently the stuff I need is on busses 0xFF and 0xFE and they don't
> situnder a PCI bridge. If it doesn't get fixed ASAP I will use the
> 0xCFC/0xCF8 approach described here:
> http://faculty.chemeketa.edu/csekafet/ELT256/Adv_Chipset_AGp_DVO_PCI_CFG.p
> df
> Also there's a 32-bit-support version of EDK2 0xCF8 already. But I need
> 64-bit support.Also who knows ? I may need 0xCFC. If someone can add all
> this stuff ASAP I'd begrateful. 
> C:\edk2\MyWorkSpace\MdePkg\Include\Library\PciCf8Lib.h C:\edk2\MyWorkSpace
> \MdePkg\Library\BasePciCf8Lib\PciCf8Lib.c Shubha D.
> ramanishubharam...@gmail.com shubharam...@yahoo.com
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-Bill Paul            (510) 749-2329 | Senior Member of Technical Staff,
                 wp...@windriver.com | Master of Unix-Fu - Wind River Systems
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