I'm confused about something and hope I can help some help understanding this.

If we have a signed FV that is extracted in PEI it doesn't look like the 
AuthenticationStatus gets propagated to DXE.

The hob doesn't store authentication status and the core products FVB with 
AuthenticationStatus forced to zero, even though the FV was signed and verified.

This seems to mess up policy code we want to have in DXE because it is not 

MdeModulePkg\Core\Dxe\FwVolBlock\FwVolBlock.c, FwVolBlockDriverInit:

  while ((FvHob.Raw = GetNextHob (EFI_HOB_TYPE_FV, FvHob.Raw)) != NULL) {
    // Produce an FVB protocol for it
    ProduceFVBProtocolOnBuffer (FvHob.FirmwareVolume->BaseAddress, 
FvHob.FirmwareVolume->Length, NULL, 0, NULL);
    FvHob.Raw = GET_NEXT_HOB (FvHob);

Is this expected?  How would DXE policy code know if the FV was verified in PEI?



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