On 01/05/2016 05:23 PM, Stephen Polkowski wrote:
> Hi all,
>     I've noticed recently that Windows 10 has an method that allows the
> user to reboot directly to the UEFI bios settings without having holding
> the "DEL" key at power up.  This is a useful feature for tablets, etc.
> Here is an article that describes the steps:
> http://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/5831-uefi-firmware-settings-boot-inside-windows-10-a.html
>     How is this achieved from a edk2 programmer's point of view.  Does
> the Windows OS return EFI_SUCCESS to the boot manager?  Or, perhaps the
> OS changes the BootNext variable to something and then reboots?
>     How does this process work?  I want to write an edk2 shell
> application that does the same thing.

For a working code sample in an EFI application, check the
RebootIntoFirmware() function in rEFInd's refind/main.c file:


This function is borrowed from gummiboot (now systemd-boot), but I don't
have an exact URL handy for the latter. I'm pretty sure that GRUB 2 has
this functionality, too, but I've not checked to see how it implements
the feature.

Rod Smith
edk2-devel mailing list

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