On 3/9/16 11:53 AM, Mangefeste, Tony wrote:
Below are the details of the proposal for a staging branch, please review and 


Problem statement
Need place on tianocore.org where new features that are not ready for product
integration can be checked in for evaluation by the EDK II community prior to
adding to the edk2 trunk.  This serves several purposes:

* Encourage source code to be shared earlier in the development process
* Allow source code to be shared that does not yet meet all edk2 required 
quality criteria
* Allow source code to be shared so the EDK II community can help finish and 
validate new features
* Provide a location to hold new features until they are deemed ready for 
product integration
* Provide a location to hold new features until there is a natural point in 
edk2 release cycle to fully validate the new feature.
* Not intended to be used for bug fixes.
* Not intended to be used for small, simple, or low risk features.

Possibly related but for future work, I played around with setting up a Jenkins server so people could build-test their patches on various platforms/architectures but it turned out to be too expensive for me to run on AWS so I took it down. I wonder if this is something we could consider setting up for the staging area at some point?


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