在 03/14/2016 09:19 PM, Leif Lindholm 写道:
On Mon, Mar 14, 2016 at 01:30:37PM +0800, Haojian Zhuang wrote:
Support multiple PL061 controllers. If platform gpio driver couldn't be
found, PL061 gpio driver will continue to load PcdPL061GpioBase as the
register base.

It could be compatible with the use case of current PL061 gpio driver.

The content looks fine.
There are two whitespace errors, which are picked up by
BaseTools/Scripts/PatchCheck.py. Now, given that I've already been a
pain over this set, I don't mind fixing it up on commit, but it's
worth integrating this step into your workflow.

Thanks a lot. I'll use this script to check my patch.

Best Regards
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