Hi Feng,

I appended my comments in below.

Best Regards

在 07/21/2016 11:23 AM, Tian, Feng 写道:
Hi, Haojian

If there is no PCI bus, you could implement a fake one. Just like what we did 
at edk2\Omap35xxPkg\PciEmulation. Through this way, you can reuse SdMmcPciHc 

For your questions:
1. The EDKII SD/MMC stack (SdMmcPciHc plus SdDxe and EmmcDxe) is used to manage all SD & 
MMC host controllers & cards. Each SD & MMC host controller would be installed a 
EFI_SD_MMC_PASS_THRU_PROTOCOL instance. We distinguish the card types by identification process 
defined in SD & EMMC spec. after that, we will install different device paths through which 
upper layer could distinguish them.

For SD host controller, the device path is Pci(x, x)\Sd(x). for EMMC host controller, the 
device path is Pci(x, x)\EMMC(x)\Ctrl(x). why we appended a Ctrl(x) device node to EMMC device 
path is because EMMC device has many partitions (User Data Area, BOOT1&2, 
GP1&2&3&4, RPMB). We use Ctrl(x) to distinguish the partitions. But SD is different 
story, it has no partitions, so we just produce Pci(x, x)\Sd(x) to distinguish different SD HCs 
if they exist.

I think that there's also partition in SD card. (http://forum.xda-developers.com/wiki/SD_card_partitioning)

2. Just like I said above, EmmcDxe driver only runs on EMMC HCs/devices. That's 
the way how SdMmcPciHc works.

3. I don't quite understand your question. The EmmcDxe driver produces BlockIo 
on its partitions. Then DiskIo driver will be connected. (see UEFI spec driver 
model chapter)
As for remaining device path, it must to be a EMMC device path otherwise 
DriverBindingSupported() will not succeed. It means EMMC driver binding start() 
would not run at all for such device path.

I think so. But it didn't run as my expected.

4. I don't know your use case. But in the first glance, it doesn't make sense. 
How could you SD driver depends on a variable service? Could you clarify more?

In the HiKey platform, there's no NOR flash. I store all system variables into eMMC partition. So BlockVariableDxe is created to access variables on block devices.


-----Original Message-----
From: Haojian Zhuang [mailto:haojian.zhu...@linaro.org]
Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2016 10:34 AM
To: Tian, Feng <feng.t...@intel.com>
Cc: Leif Lindholm <leif.lindh...@linaro.org>; Ard Biesheuvel 
<ard.biesheu...@linaro.org>; edk2-devel@lists.01.org
Subject: [edk2] Question on eMMC and SD driver

Hi all,

I have a few questions on eMMC/SD driver when I'm working on my driver.

In my hikey platform, there's no PCI bus. So I create my own DwMmc driver to do 
the same thing as SdMmcPciHcDxe driver. There's one controller for eMMC and one 
controller for SD.

1. How to support both eMMC and SD driver in the same driver? The IP is 
designed for both eMMC/SD. If we could share the same driver, we could use 
common code.
I tried to follow SdMmcPciHcDxe driver. I use "Emmc(0)/Ctrl(0)" to indicate the device 
path of eMMC controller. And I should use "Sd(0)/Ctrl(1)" to indicate the device path of 
SD controller. Is it right?

When I tried to access one partition, I use this device path 
"Emmc(0)/Ctrl(0)/HD(5,GPT,00354BCD-BBCB-4CB3-B5AE-CDEFCB5DAC43)". Is it right?

2. When RemainingDevicePath variable is valid, GetSlotNumber() is called in 
both EmmcDxe and SdDxe. But how could DwMmc driver knows which stack is calling 
it? Does it mean that I need to implement two different 
EFI_SD_MMC_PASS_THRU_PROTOCOL interfaces? One is for eMMC, and the other one is 
for SD.

3. How to create the connection DiskIo and eMMC?
When RemainingDevicePath variable is valid, GetSlotNumber() is invoked in 
EmmcDxeDriverBindingStart(). But where RemainingDevicePath is set?
When I debug code, I got this debug message in below.
#EmmcDxeDriverBindingStart, 909, Remain

The CE660500 belongs to LcdGraphicsOutputDxe. And I didn't build it into the 
firmware at all. I don't know where it comes from.
If I check the eMMC device path in GetSlotNumber(), I'll skip it and DiskIo 
won't run successfully. So partition checking won't run in DiskIo. If I force 
the GetSlotNumber() empty to pass this RemainingDevicePath, partition checking 
could run in DiskIo.
I guess that something is missing between DiskIo and eMMC driver. Do you have 
any idea on this? This issue blocks me to enable multiple slots.

4. Driver dependency. EmmcDxe and SdDxe are both UEFI_DRIVER.
VariableRuntimeDxe Driver is DXE_RUNTIME_DRIVER. But the dependency is in below.

EmmcDxe --->  DwMmcDxe ---> BlockVariableDxe ---> VariableRuntimeDxe

Now I hack EmmcDxe from UEFI_DRIVER to DXE_RUNTIME to make this dependency 
working. Is there any other solution without hacking?

Best Regards

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