On 1 August 2016 at 08:13, Shi, Steven <steven....@intel.com> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> I am also concerned about the GOTPCRELX/REX_GOTPCRELX relocations.
>> >> Reading the x86_64 ABI docs, it appears that these may refer to
>> >> instructions that have been modified by the linker. In that case, how
>> >> do we deal with the relocation? Also, according to the doc, mov
>> >> instructions may be emitted by the linker in some cases that are only
>> >> valid in the lowest 2 GB of the address space.
>> >>
>> > [Steven]: Frankly to say, the x86_64 ABI docs is only good for compiler
>> domain developer and not very good for other domain developers to
>> understand it.
>> > My overall understanding for these different relocation type is like this:
>> compiler generate PIC code with different "level of indirection to all global
>> data and function references in the code." And these different level of
>> indirection is implemented through GOT and PLT structure with different
>> addressing calculation pattern. The different calculation patterns are the
>> different relocation types which are defined  by  x86_64 ABI Table 4.9. We
>> don't need worry about how compiler correctly generate code to work with
>> these relocation types, we just need correctly understand their addressing
>> calculation pattern.
>> >
>> > The GOTPCRELX/REX_GOTPCRELX has the same calculation definition in
>> x86_64 ABI Table 4.9 as "G + GOT + A - P". So, I assume their difference is 
>> not
>> in the relocation calculation pattern, but how to co-work with specific
>> instructions to finish these calculation in a hardware optimized way.
>> >
>> No, that is not what these are for. The special types mark
>> instructions that can be converted by the linker into simpler
>> sequences if the symbol turns out to be in the same module. From the
>> doc:
>> mov foo@GOTPCREL(%rip), %reg
>> could be converted by the linker into
>> lea foo(%rip), %reg
>> if the reference to 'foo' is satisfied by a non-preemptible local
>> definition. This is a useful optimization, since it eliminates a
>> memory load. The problem is that we cannot recalculate such
>> relocations in GenFw without checking whether the linker has applied
>> this optimization or not.
> [Steven]: Do you mean the linker will apply above optimization but not remove 
> the original GOTPCREL item? It sounds like a severe linker bug.

I checked quickly, and it appears the linker does the right thing
here, i.e., it performs the optimization and also modifies the
relocation emitted into the .rela.text section

So this:

.globl bar
.type bar, @function
mov foo@GOTPCREL(%rip), %eax

.globl foo
.quad 0

compiles into

/tmp/pie.o:     file format elf64-x86-64

Disassembly of section .text:

0000000000000000 <bar>:
   0: 8b 05 00 00 00 00     mov    0x0(%rip),%eax        # 6 <bar+0x6>
2: R_X86_64_GOTPCRELX foo-0x4
   6: c3                   retq

0000000000000007 <foo>:

but after linking (ld -o /tmp/pie -e bar -q /tmp/pie.o)

/tmp/pie:     file format elf64-x86-64

Disassembly of section .text:

00000000004000b0 <bar>:
  4000b0: 8d 05 01 00 00 00     lea    0x1(%rip),%eax        # 4000b7 <foo>
4000b2: R_X86_64_PC32 foo-0x4
  4000b6: c3                   retq

00000000004000b7 <foo>:

>> The fact that it works does not make it safe. Having multiple fixups
>> for the same symbol in the .reloc section is a problem, and so is
>> reapplying GOTPCRELX to places where the original instruction has been
>> replaced by the linker.
> [Steven]: I still don't understand why there will be multiple fixups for the 
> same symbol in the .reloc section?

Remember this example

>> > int n;
>> > int f () { return n; }
>> > int g () { return n; }
>> > int h () { return n; }

If every 'return n' results in a GOTPCREL relocation, how are you
going to make sure that the GOT entry for 'n' is only fixed up a
single time?
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