On 2016/8/11 21:41, Brian J. Johnson wrote:
On 08/10/2016 09:37 PM, Star Zeng wrote:
Minimize the code overhead between the two TSC reads by adding
new internal API to calculate TSC Frequency instead of reusing
MicroSecondDelay ().

Why not just use the MSR_PLATFORM_INFO (0xce) register bits 15..8, on
CPUs where it's available, to read the TSC frequency directly?

Per my understanding, not every generation CPU has this MSR_PLATFORM_INFO (0xce) register defined, and also MSR_PLATFORM_INFO (0xce) register bits 15..8 is just the ratio, then the radio needs to multiply external clock frequency which may be different for various generation CPU. I believe the library's position stands as a generic library and not for specific CPU.

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