  For the commented code, if they are useless, could you clean up them? 
  Besides, Guid Value and Name mapping is recorded into Build Output 
FV\Guid.xref. Could you enhance script to parse this file to get full guid 

+                #print "0 - " + match.group(0)
+                #print "1 - " + match.group(1)

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Yao, Jiewen
>Sent: Thursday, February 09, 2017 12:31 AM
>To: edk2-devel@lists.01.org
>Cc: Zhu, Yonghong <yonghong....@intel.com>; Gao, Liming
><liming....@intel.com>; Kinney, Michael D <michael.d.kin...@intel.com>;
>Laszlo Ersek <ler...@redhat.com>
>Subject: [PATCH 10/12] BaseTool/Script: Add SmiHandleProfile OS tool to get
>This tool accepts the input XML file generated by SmiHandlerProfile
>application and convert the RVA address to be a user readable
>It also converts the GUID to be a user readable string.
>Cc: Yonghong Zhu <yonghong....@intel.com>
>Cc: Liming Gao <liming....@intel.com>
>Cc: Michael D Kinney <michael.d.kin...@intel.com>
>Cc: Laszlo Ersek <ler...@redhat.com>
>Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.0
>Signed-off-by: Jiewen Yao <jiewen....@intel.com>
> BaseTools/Scripts/SmiHandlerProfileSymbolGen.py | 351
> 1 file changed, 351 insertions(+)
>diff --git a/BaseTools/Scripts/SmiHandlerProfileSymbolGen.py
>new file mode 100644
>index 0000000..28614fd
>--- /dev/null
>+++ b/BaseTools/Scripts/SmiHandlerProfileSymbolGen.py
>@@ -0,0 +1,351 @@
>+# Generate symbal for SMI handler profile info.
>+# This tool depends on DIA2Dump.exe (VS) or nm (gcc) to parse debug entry.
>+# Copyright (c) 2017, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
>+# This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made
>available under
>+# the terms and conditions of the BSD License that accompanies this
>+# The full text of the license may be found at
>+# http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php.
>+import os
>+import re
>+import sys
>+from optparse import OptionParser
>+from xml.dom.minidom import parse
>+import xml.dom.minidom
>+versionNumber = "1.1"
>+__copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2016, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved."
>+class Symbols:
>+    def __init__(self):
>+        self.listLineAddress = []
>+        self.pdbName = ""
>+        # Cache for function
>+        self.functionName = ""
>+        # Cache for line
>+        self.sourceName = ""
>+    def getSymbol (self, rva):
>+        index = 0
>+        lineName  = 0
>+        sourceName = "??"
>+        while index + 1 < self.lineCount :
>+            if self.listLineAddress[index][0] <= rva and 
>self.listLineAddress[index +
>1][0] > rva :
>+                offset = rva - self.listLineAddress[index][0]
>+                functionName = self.listLineAddress[index][1]
>+                lineName = self.listLineAddress[index][2]
>+                sourceName = self.listLineAddress[index][3]
>+                if lineName == 0 :
>+                  return [functionName]
>+                else :
>+                  return [functionName, sourceName, lineName]
>+            index += 1
>+        return []
>+    def parse_debug_file(self, driverName, pdbName):
>+        if cmp (pdbName, "") == 0 :
>+            return
>+        self.pdbName = pdbName;
>+        try:
>+            nmCommand = "nm"
>+            nmLineOption = "-l"
>+            print "parsing (debug) - " + pdbName
>+            os.system ('%s %s %s > nmDump.line.log' % (nmCommand,
>nmLineOption, pdbName))
>+        except :
>+            print 'ERROR: nm command not available.  Please verify PATH'
>+            return
>+        #
>+        # parse line
>+        #
>+        linefile = open("nmDump.line.log")
>+        reportLines = linefile.readlines()
>+        linefile.close()
>+        # 000113ca T AllocatePool c:\home\edk-
>+        patchLineFileMatchString = "([0-9a-fA-
>+        for reportLine in reportLines:
>+            #print "check - " + reportLine
>+            match = re.match(patchLineFileMatchString, reportLine)
>+            if match is not None:
>+                #print "match - " + reportLine[:-1]
>+                #print "0 - " + match.group(0)
>+                #print "1 - " + match.group(1)
>+                #print "2 - " + match.group(2)
>+                #print "3 - " + match.group(3)
>+                #print "4 - " + match.group(4)
>+                rva = int (match.group(1), 16)
>+                functionName = match.group(2)
>+                sourceName = match.group(3)
>+                if cmp (match.group(4), "") != 0 :
>+                    lineName = int (match.group(4))
>+                else :
>+                    lineName = 0
>+                self.listLineAddress.append ([rva, functionName, lineName,
>+        self.lineCount = len (self.listLineAddress)
>+        self.listLineAddress = sorted(self.listLineAddress, key=lambda
>+        #for key in self.listLineAddress :
>+            #print "rva - " + "%x"%(key[0]) + ", func - " + key[1] + ", line 
>- " +
>str(key[2]) + ", source - " + key[3]
>+    def parse_pdb_file(self, driverName, pdbName):
>+        if cmp (pdbName, "") == 0 :
>+            return
>+        self.pdbName = pdbName;
>+        try:
>+            #DIA2DumpCommand = "\"C:\\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual
>Studio 14.0\\DIA SDK\\Samples\\DIA2Dump\\x64\\Debug\\Dia2Dump.exe\""
>+            DIA2DumpCommand = "Dia2Dump.exe"
>+            #DIA2SymbolOption = "-p"
>+            DIA2LinesOption = "-l"
>+            print "parsing (pdb) - " + pdbName
>+            #os.system ('%s %s %s > DIA2Dump.symbol.log' %
>(DIA2DumpCommand, DIA2SymbolOption, pdbName))
>+            os.system ('%s %s %s > DIA2Dump.line.log' % (DIA2DumpCommand,
>DIA2LinesOption, pdbName))
>+        except :
>+            print 'ERROR: DIA2Dump command not available.  Please verify PATH'
>+            return
>+        #
>+        # parse line
>+        #
>+        linefile = open("DIA2Dump.line.log")
>+        reportLines = linefile.readlines()
>+        linefile.close()
>+        #   ** GetDebugPrintErrorLevel
>+        # line 32 at [0000C790][0001:0000B790], len = 0x3 c:\home\edk-
>(MD5: 687C0AE564079D35D56ED5D84A6164CC)
>+        # line 36 at [0000C793][0001:0000B793], len = 0x5
>+        # line 37 at [0000C798][0001:0000B798], len = 0x2
>+        patchLineFileMatchString = "\s+line ([0-9]+) at 
>9a-fA-F]{4}\:[0-9a-fA-F]{8}\], len = 0x[0-9a-fA-F]+\s*([\w+\-\:./_a-zA-Z0-
>+        patchLineFileMatchStringFunc = "\*\*\s+(\w+)\s*"
>+        for reportLine in reportLines:
>+            #print "check line - " + reportLine
>+            match = re.match(patchLineFileMatchString, reportLine)
>+            if match is not None:
>+                #print "match - " + reportLine[:-1]
>+                #print "0 - " + match.group(0)
>+                #print "1 - " + match.group(1)
>+                #print "2 - " + match.group(2)
>+                if cmp (match.group(3), "") != 0 :
>+                    self.sourceName = match.group(3)
>+                sourceName = self.sourceName
>+                functionName = self.functionName
>+                rva = int (match.group(2), 16)
>+                lineName = int (match.group(1))
>+                self.listLineAddress.append ([rva, functionName, lineName,
>+            else :
>+                match = re.match(patchLineFileMatchStringFunc, reportLine)
>+                if match is not None:
>+                    self.functionName = match.group(1)
>+        self.lineCount = len (self.listLineAddress)
>+        self.listLineAddress = sorted(self.listLineAddress, key=lambda
>+        #for key in self.listLineAddress :
>+            #print "rva - " + "%x"%(key[0]) + ", func - " + key[1] + ", line 
>- " +
>str(key[2]) + ", source - " + key[3]
>+class SymbolsFile:
>+    def __init__(self):
>+        self.symbolsTable = {}
>+symbolsFile = ""
>+driverName = ""
>+rvaName = ""
>+symbolName = ""
>+def getSymbolName(driverName, rva):
>+    global symbolsFile
>+    #print "driverName - " + driverName
>+    try :
>+        symbolList = symbolsFile.symbolsTable[driverName]
>+        if symbolList is not None:
>+            return symbolList.getSymbol (rva)
>+        else:
>+            return []
>+    except Exception:
>+        return []
>+def myOptionParser():
>+    usage = "%prog [--version] [-h] [--help] [-i inputfile [-o outputfile] [-g
>+    Parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, description=__copyright__,
>version="%prog " + str(versionNumber))
>+    Parser.add_option("-i", "--inputfile", dest="inputfilename", 
>help="The input memory profile info file output from MemoryProfileInfo
>application in MdeModulePkg")
>+    Parser.add_option("-o", "--outputfile", dest="outputfilename",
>type="string", help="The output memory profile info file with symbol,
>MemoryProfileInfoSymbol.txt will be used if it is not specified")
>+    Parser.add_option("-g", "--guidref", dest="guidreffilename",
>type="string", help="The input guid ref file output from build")
>+    (Options, args) = Parser.parse_args()
>+    if Options.inputfilename is None:
>+        Parser.error("no input file specified")
>+    if Options.outputfilename is None:
>+        Options.outputfilename = "SmiHandlerProfileInfoSymbol.xml"
>+    return Options
>+dictGuid = {
>+  '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000':'gZeroGuid',
>+  '2A571201-4966-47F6-8B86-F31E41F32F10':'gEfiEventLegacyBootGuid',
>+  '27ABF055-B1B8-4C26-8048-748F37BAA2DF':'gEfiEventExitBootServicesGuid',
>+  '7CE88FB3-4BD7-4679-87A8-A8D8DEE50D2B':'gEfiEventReadyToBootGuid',
>+  '02CE967A-DD7E-4FFC-9EE7-810CF0470880':'gEfiEndOfDxeEventGroupGuid',
>+  '60FF8964-E906-41D0-AFED-
>+  '18A3C6DC-5EEA-48C8-A1C1-
>+  '456D2859-A84B-4E47-A2EE-
>+  '4CEC368E-8E8E-4D71-8BE1-
>+  'EE9B8D90-C5A6-40A2-BDE2-
>+  '25566B03-B577-4CBF-958C-
>+  '7300C4A1-43F2-4017-A51B-
>+  '1B1183FA-1823-46A7-8872-
>+  '58DC368D-7BFA-4E77-ABBC-
>+  }
>+def genGuidString(guidreffile):
>+    guidLines = guidreffile.readlines()
>+    for guidLine in guidLines:
>+        guidLineList = guidLine.split(" ")
>+        if len(guidLineList) == 2:
>+            guid = guidLineList[0]
>+            guidName = guidLineList[1]
>+            #print "guid: " + guid
>+            #print "name: " + guidName
>+            if guid not in dictGuid.keys() :
>+                dictGuid[guid] = guidName
>+def createSym(symbolName):
>+    SymbolNode = xml.dom.minidom.Document().createElement("Symbol")
>+    SymbolFunction =
>+    SymbolFunctionData =
>+    SymbolFunction.appendChild(SymbolFunctionData)
>+    SymbolNode.appendChild(SymbolFunction)
>+    #print "    append SymbolFunction: " + symbolName[0]
>+    if (len(symbolName)) >= 2:
>+        SymbolSourceFile =
>+        SymbolSourceFileData =
>+        SymbolSourceFile.appendChild(SymbolSourceFileData)
>+        SymbolNode.appendChild(SymbolSourceFile)
>+        #print "    append SymbolSourceFile: " + symbolName[1]
>+        if (len(symbolName)) >= 3:
>+            SymbolLineNumber =
>+            SymbolLineNumberData =
>+            SymbolLineNumber.appendChild(SymbolLineNumberData)
>+            SymbolNode.appendChild(SymbolLineNumber)
>+            #print "    append SymbolLineNumber: " + str(symbolName[2])
>+    return SymbolNode
>+def main():
>+    global symbolsFile
>+    global Options
>+    Options = myOptionParser()
>+    symbolsFile = SymbolsFile()
>+    try :
>+        DOMTree = xml.dom.minidom.parse(Options.inputfilename)
>+    except Exception:
>+        print "fail to open input " + Options.inputfilename
>+        return 1
>+    if Options.guidreffilename is not None:
>+        try :
>+            guidreffile = open(Options.guidreffilename)
>+        except Exception:
>+            print "fail to open guidref" + Options.guidreffilename
>+            return 1
>+        genGuidString(guidreffile)
>+        guidreffile.close()
>+    SmiHandlerProfile = DOMTree.documentElement
>+    SmiHandlerDatabase =
>+    SmiHandlerCategory =
>+    for smiHandlerCategory in SmiHandlerCategory:
>+        #print "*****SmiHandlerCategory*****"
>+        #if smiHandlerCategory.hasAttribute("Name"):
>+        #    print "Name: %s" % smiHandlerCategory.getAttribute("Name")
>+        SmiEntry = smiHandlerCategory.getElementsByTagName("SmiEntry")
>+        for smiEntry in SmiEntry:
>+            #print "  *****SmiEntry*****"
>+            if smiEntry.hasAttribute("HandlerType"):
>+                #print "  HandlerType: %s" % 
>+                guidValue = smiEntry.getAttribute("HandlerType")
>+                if guidValue in dictGuid.keys() :
>+                    smiEntry.setAttribute("HandlerType", dictGuid[guidValue])
>+            SmiHandler = smiEntry.getElementsByTagName("SmiHandler")
>+            for smiHandler in SmiHandler:
>+                #print "    *****SmiHandler*****"
>+                #if smiHandler.hasAttribute("SwSmi"):
>+                #    print "    SwSmi: %s" % smiHandler.getAttribute("SwSmi")
>+                Module = smiHandler.getElementsByTagName("Module")
>+                #print "    Module: %s" % Module[0].childNodes[0].data
>+                Pdb = Module[0].getElementsByTagName("Pdb")
>+                if (len(Pdb)) >= 1:
>+                    #print "    Pdb: %s" % Pdb[0].childNodes[0].data
>+                    driverName = Module[0].getAttribute("Name")
>+                    pdbName = Pdb[0].childNodes[0].data
>+                    Module[0].removeChild(Pdb[0])
>+                    symbolsFile.symbolsTable[driverName] = Symbols()
>+                    if cmp (pdbName[-3:], "pdb") == 0 :
>+                        symbolsFile.symbolsTable[driverName].parse_pdb_file
>(driverName, pdbName)
>+                    else :
>+                        symbolsFile.symbolsTable[driverName].parse_debug_file
>(driverName, pdbName)
>+                    Handler = smiHandler.getElementsByTagName("Handler")
>+                    RVA = Handler[0].getElementsByTagName("RVA")
>+                    print "    Handler RVA: %s" % RVA[0].childNodes[0].data
>+                    if (len(RVA)) >= 1:
>+                        rvaName = RVA[0].childNodes[0].data
>+                        symbolName = getSymbolName (driverName, int(rvaName, 
>+                        #print "    symbolName: %s" % symbolName
>+                        if (len(symbolName)) >= 1:
>+                            SymbolNode = createSym(symbolName)
>+                            Handler[0].appendChild(SymbolNode)
>+                    Caller = smiHandler.getElementsByTagName("Caller")
>+                    RVA = Caller[0].getElementsByTagName("RVA")
>+                    print "    Caller RVA: %s" % RVA[0].childNodes[0].data
>+                    if (len(RVA)) >= 1:
>+                        rvaName = RVA[0].childNodes[0].data
>+                        symbolName = getSymbolName (driverName, int(rvaName, 
>+                        #print "    symbolName: %s" % symbolName
>+                        if (len(symbolName)) >= 1:
>+                            SymbolNode = createSym(symbolName)
>+                            Caller[0].appendChild(SymbolNode)
>+    try :
>+        newfile = open(Options.outputfilename, "w")
>+    except Exception:
>+        print "fail to open output" + Options.outputfilename
>+        return 1
>+    newfile.write(DOMTree.toprettyxml(indent = "\t", newl = "\n", encoding
>= "utf-8"))
>+    newfile.close()
>+if __name__ == '__main__':
>+    sys.exit(main())

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