Hi Jaben,

No PI protocols can be required means that I can try to use them? And gracefully handle the case where they aren't found?


On Wed, 19 Apr 2017, Carsey, Jaben wrote:

That would be welcome; I don't know how it was missed.  A caveat is that the 
shell should use UEFI protocols only.  No PI protocols can be required 
(optional is ok).

Only the specific output controlled by "-sfo" is severely constrained by the 

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Westfahl [mailto:jeff.westf...@ni.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 19, 2017 10:36 AM
To: edk2-devel@lists.01.org
Cc: Carsey, Jaben <jaben.car...@intel.com>; Ni, Ruiyu <ruiyu...@intel.com>
Subject: [edk2] ShellPkg: Difference in behavior of 'dh' between old shell and
Importance: High

I noticed a difference in behavior of 'dh' between the old shell and the new 
With the old shell, 'dh -v' for a LoadedImage handle shows the

Handle D3 (3A537F98)
    Image (3A532818)   File:MicrocodeUpdate
      ParentHandle..: 3A64F118
      SystemTable...: 3D2A8F18
      DeviceHandle..: 3B1B2098
      FilePath......: FvFile(F3331DE6-4A55-44E4-B767-7453F7A1A021)
      ImageBase.....: 3D650000 - 3D655540
      ImageSize.....: 5540
      CodeType......: RT_code
      DataType......: RT_data

With the new shell, I get this for the same LoadedImage handle:

D3: 3A537F98
      Revision......: 0x00001000
      ParentHandle..: 3A64F118
      SystemTable...: 3D2A8F18
      DeviceHandle..: 3B1B2098
      FilePath......: 3A539018
      OptionsSize...: 0
      LoadOptions...: 0
      ImageBase.....: 3D650000
      ImageSize.....: 5540
      CodeType......: EfiRuntimeServicesCode
      DataType......: EfiRuntimeServicesData
      Unload........: 0

The old shell shows the name of the file associated with the LoadedImage,
which seems like useful information. Is this omission intentional or an 
Would a patch adding the file name to ShellPkg be welcomed?


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