On 05/11/2017 09:37 AM, Laszlo Ersek wrote:

Please replace the last paragraph in the commit message with the
following (mostly based on

The patch sets the memory encryption PCD. The PCD is consumed by the
following edk2 modules, which manipulate page tables:

- PEI phase modules: CapsulePei, DxeIplPeim, S3Resume2Pei.

  CapsulePei is not used by OVMF. DxeIplPeim consumes the PCD at the
  end of the PEI phase, when it builds the initial page tables for the
  DXE core / DXE phase. S3Resume2Pei does not consume the PCD in its
  entry point function, only when DxeIplPeim branches to the S3 resume
  path at the end of the PEI phase, and calls S3Resume2Pei's
  EFI_PEI_S3_RESUME2_PPI.S3RestoreConfig2() member function.

  Therefore it is safe to set the PCD for these modules in PlatformPei.

- DXE phase modules: BootScriptExecutorDxe, CpuDxe, PiSmmCpuDxeSmm.

  They are all dispatched after the PEI phase, so setting the PCD for
  them in PlatformPei is safe. (BootScriptExecutorDxe is launched "for
  real" in the PEI phase during S3 resume, but it caches the PCD into a
  static variable when its entry point is originally invoked in DXE.)

I will update the patch description, thanks for the write up.

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