>Subject: Re: (none)
>From: Rich Ulrich [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>Date: 5/10/2001 5:15 PM Eastern 
>CH:  " Why do articles appear in print when study methods, analyses,
>results, and conclusions are somewhat faulty?"
> - I suspect it might be a consequence of "Sturgeon's Law," 
>named after the science fiction author.  "Ninety percent of 
>everything is crap."  Why do they appear in print when they
>are GROSSLY faulty?  Yesterday's NY Times carried a 
>report on how the WORST schools have improved 
>more than the schools that were only BAD.  That was much-
>discussed, if not published.  - One critique was, the 
>absence of peer review.  There are comments from statisticians
>in the NY Times article; they criticize, but (I thought) they 
>don't "get it"  on the simplest point.
>The article, while expressing skepticism by numerous 
>people, never mentions "REGRESSION TOWARD the MEAN"
>which did seem (to me) to account for every single claim of the
>original authors whose writing caused the article.

The link to the NY Times story, Rich cites is below.  The design of this study
certainly appears to be a candidate for the regression fallacy.  After vouchers
were introduced in FL, the failing schools improved faster than the almost
failing schools:  "On the eve of Congressional debate over President Bush's
plan to give students at low-performing schools federal money for private
school tuition vouchers, Dr. Greene announced that Mr. Bush's proposal would
work as well." ..."That's not a theory," Dr. Greene stated, "but proven
fact."..." [Dr. Greene] showed that after failing one time, higher-scoring F
schools posted greater gains than lower-scoring D schools. Because these
schools were otherwise alike, Dr. Greene stated that a threat of vouchers must
have made F schools improve more rapidly." 

Regression to the mean can be difficult to control, but in this case there was
an internal control.  In a reanalysis of the Florida school test data, Harris
found that the greater improvement of the worst schools between grading periods
was just as great during the pre-voucher period:  "Dr. Harris found that before
1999, higher-scoring schools in the failing group also gained more than
lower-scoring schools in the next group. The subsequent voucher policy
apparently had no added effect."


I wonder if "regression to the mean" will make it into the Congressional debate
of the education bill in the coming weeks.

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