A new plotting/data display freeware package is available
for unix systems.  It includes a tutorial that describes
various plot types and ways of looking at data.  Perhaps
some readers of this newsgroup may find it useful, maybe
even to share with their students.  Thanks, Steve

Title:          ploticus 1.31
Freeware Type:  plotting/data display package for Unix
Home Page:      http://www.sgpr.net
Distribution:   Free source code; pre-compiled binaries some platforms

Produces full-color lineplots, bargraphs, histograms, scatterplots,
pie graphs, rangebars, boxplots, tables, tabular plots etc.  Many
labeling and style features.  Produce graphs for publications, slides,
posters, web pages and intranets.  Plots from tabular data sets.
Handles numeric, date, time, and alphanumeric data.  Script-driven,
non-interactive.  Can render in Postscript, PNG, GIF, or X11.
Originally written in clinical trials / biostatistics organization.
Successor to IPL 2.1.  Unix freeware; source code available.

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