Someone found another bug in Excel's statistics routines.  Someone
else came up with a clever alternative.  What you have to think about
is all the bugs you have not noticed yet.  Anybody can do statistic
with Minitab, but you need a Ph.D. in statistics to (safely) do
statistics with Excel.  The LAST people in the world who should be
using Excel for statistics are beginners.

----- Forwarded message from Jon Cryer -----

I guess "nice" is in the eye of the beholder. I view this as
another good reason NOT to use Excel for Statistics!

Please use the right tool for the job.

Jon Cryer

At 05:58 PM 11/26/99 +0100, you wrote:
>Very nice solution.
>It can be reduced even to the last part:
>    Ivan
>> You can modify the rank() function using the following one:
>> IF(COUNTIF(A$1:A$6,A1)=1, RANK(A1,A$1:A$6,1),
>> RANK(A1,A$1:A$6,1)+(COUNTIF(A$1:A$6,A1)-1)/2)
>> In this setting, the data range is A1:A6 (as the example you mentioned in
>> your email), and ranking is in the ascending order, e.g. smaller number
>> gets smaller rank. You can type this function in cell B1, and copy the
>> formula to B1:B6. Let me know if you need further info.
>> Jay
>      Ivan Zezula, Safarik University, Kosice
------------------------------------------------- |             \
Jon Cryer                [EMAIL PROTECTED]   (               )
Department of Statistics\              \_ University
 and Actuarial Science   office 319-335-0819       \           *   \ of Iowa
The University of Iowa   dept.  319-335-0706        \              / Hawkeyes
Iowa City, IA   52242    FAX    319-335-3017         |____________ )
-------------------------------------------------                 V

----- End of forwarded message from Jon Cryer -----


     | |          Robert W. Hayden
     | |          Department of Mathematics
    /  |          Plymouth State College MSC#29
   |   |          Plymouth, New Hampshire 03264  USA
   | * |          Rural Route 1, Box 10
  /    |          Ashland, NH 03217-9702
 |     )          (603) 968-9914 (home)
 L_____/          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                  fax (603) 535-2943 (work)

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