Victor A. Gombos wrote:
 > I am using Systat 9.0 for my master's thesis data--the 
 > nature of my analyses depend heavily on Signal Detection 
 > Theory. Therefore, of course I am using the Signal 
 > Detection Analysis program in Systat. Systat reports a 
 > number of things, including the ROC, d-prime, D-sub-a, 
 > and Sakitt's D.
 > It seems to me that using d' is not as good as D-sub-a or 
 > Sakitt's D -- the subjects' responses I am analyzing are 
 > confidence ratings, on a scale from one-to-eight -- as 
 > there tends to be greater fluctuations/variability of d-
 > prime as opposed to the other measures.  In this way,
 > I'm committed to D-sub-a thinking it is more robust and
 > consistent.
 > But I need to know how D-sub-A and Sakitt's D differ from 
 > d'.  I haven't been able to find  information on this 
 > from any other source thus far.
 > Can anyone tell me what these measures are and how they
 > differ from d'?

The distinction is explained very nicely in:

  Simpson AJ, Fitter MJ.  What is the best index of detectability? 
Psych Bull 1973; 80:481-488.

I strongly recommend that you read this paper, but I'll try to summarize
its essence (and add a point or two) here.

For two states of truth (1 and 2) and decision variables densities that
are normally distributed with generally different means (mu_1 and mu_2)
and standard deviations (sigma_1 and sigma_2):

  d_a = (mu_1 - mu_2)/SQRT((sigma_1**2 + sigma_2**2)/2)


  Sakitt's D = (mu_1 - mu_2)/SQRT(sigma_1 * sigma_2)/2).

In the special case where sigma_1 = sigma_2 = sigma, both d_a and
Sakitt's D reduce to:

  d' = (mu_1 - mu_2)/sigma .

All three of these indices also apply rigorously to non-normal
decision-variable densities as long as the resulting ROC curve plots as
a straight line on "normal deviate axes" (e.g., see Metz CE.  ROC
methodology in radiologic imaging.  Investigative Radiology 1986; 21:
720), in which case some (usually unknown) monotonic transformation of
the decision variable must yield normal densities.  In such non-normal
situations, the indices are *not* defined in terms of means and standard
deviations, but instead in terms of the straight-line ROC curve.  If the
"y intercept" and "slope" of such an ROC are given by "a" and "b",
respectively, then:

  d_a = a/SQRT((1 + b**2)/2) 


 Sakitt's D = a/SQRT(b) , 

both of which approach 

  d' = a

for the special case where b = 1.  

When any ROC curve plots as a straight line on normal-deviate axes, its
value of d_a also equals the normal deviate which corresponds to the
area under the ROC when that curve is plotted on *conventional* (i.e.,
probability, rather than normal-deviate) axes.  The latter
interpretation of d_a is sometimes used for other ROC curve forms as
well, which isn't strictly "legal" but, from a practical standpoint, is
rarely misleading.

   Charles Metz

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