
I could use help on two questions that I haven't been able to adequately
answer for one of my students:

1) When performing a multiple linear regression we have examined t-tests for
the null hypothesis that a coefficient is zero.  If we examined the tests
for each variable in the model, should you correct for multiple comparisons
(e.g., use a Bonferroni-corrected alpha)?

2) When performing a multiple linear regression we have performed partial
f-tests with the sequential SS (Type I SS) to examine if a particular
variable "should be added" to a simpler model.  If a series of these tests
are used to find a parsimonious model that still fits should we correct for
multiple comparisons?

I am not aware of correcting for multiple comparisons in these instances,
but I'm not sure why (if that is even true).

Thank you in advance for your help (you can send e-mails directly to me if
this is not worthy of a broader discussion).

Dr. Derek H. Ogle
Northland College
127 Bobb Hall


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