> I am a reference
>librarian for a research and engineering corporation and
>one of my engineers has asked me to find him a list of
>"frequency probabilities" (i.e., what are your odds of
>being struck by lightning, bit by a dog, attacked by
>killer bees, etc.) 

Two thoughts:
1.  Search for terms like "rare events" "accident probabilities" "hit by
lightning" and so on.
2.  If you don't find it that way, look for data on how often these events
occur in the U.S., and get approximate probabilities that way -- e.g. if U.S.
population is 250 million and 250 people are hit by lightning each year, your
chance of being hit is 1 in a million each year, and something like 70 in a
million over a lifetime.

Steve Albert

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