There has been a lot of discussion about where the accent goes (before
or after the syllable), but I don't remember seeing the answer to
subject of this thread.

I was once discussing relative merits of tennis players with a young man
from Russia.  He said that we Americans accent the wrong syllable in
Yevgeny Kafelnikov's name.  We say "Ka FEL ni kov" and Russians
pronounce it "KAF el ni kov."

Is this another version of the Kolmogorov syndrome?


        \       (     Dennis W. Leitner
         )       \    Educational Psychology & Special Education
         /       |    Southern Illinois University at Carbondale
        (        |    Carbondale, IL 62901-4618  USA
         \       |
          )      |    e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
          (      |    Phone:   618/453-6910
           \     |    Fax:     618/453-7110
            \*   /    web:
                      "Statistics don't lie; people do."
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