T.S. Lim wrote:

> I'm attempting to compile an online list of the fundamental differences
> between our field Statistics and Data Mining. Several online references
> that touch on the topic include
>    http://www-stat.stanford.edu/~jhf/ftp/dm-stat.ps
>    http://www.acm.org/sigkdd/explorations/issue1-1/contents.htm#Hand
>    http://www.acm.org/sigkdd/explorations/issue1-2/contents.htm#mannila
> Let me know your point of view or opinion. Thanks much.

Can I add  the magnificent
Greater and Lesser Statistics: A Choice for Future Research
J. M. Chambers
from http://www.wavelet.org/who/jmc/pub.html

I find it almost unbearably sad.

It certainly suggests that, while the statistical community might have
the knowledge and skills to address `data mining' style problems, its
value-system makes it unwilling to do so -- or to value the work if
it is attempted.

There are af course many honourable exceptions, including Chambers


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