Debraj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> hi,
> I have a set of data which indicates number of correct responses on a
> test (score)  for 20 persons. I wanted to know if I can model the same
> mathematically based on certain factors, say Score = f(factor1,
> foactor2, factor3, factor4), so that I can simulate similar data with
> different values of the factors. How should I go about this ?

There are a whole variety of models you might consider.

Since the response is the number of correct responses out of 20, you
will want some kind of discrete distribution on the range 0-20, presumably
with one or more free parameters, at least some of which relate to the

For example, one simple model would be the Binomial(20,p), where the
probability parameter, p, depends on the factors. It makes some assumptions
that may be okay as a first approximation for some kinds of tests, and largely
useless in other situations (and I can't tell you which case we have here).
Read up firstly on discrete distributions, and then on GLMs, this may
give you one starting point.

Going back to that binomial model, the way that p depends on the factors
is another choice you need to make. If you read about GLMs, look at
typical link functions for the binomial.

I'm not saying this would be a good model in your case, but it might be
a good place to start thinking about the issues.


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