Turns out the method I originally suggested is unnecessarily cumbersome. 
A more elegant method is described below.

On Sat, 29 Sep 2001, Donald Burrill wrote in part:

>       COPY c1-c35 to c41-c75;   #  Always retain the original data
>       OMIT c1 = '*';
>       OMIT c2 = '*';
>       . . . ;
>       OMIT c35 = '*'.
> There is probably a limit on the number of subcommands that MINITAB 
> can handle (or on the number of OMIT subcommands that COPY can handle), 
> but I don't know offhand what it is.  

Well, the limit is one:  only one OMIT subcommand per COPY command. 
That makes this procedure distinctly tedious, for 35 columns.

A more efficient method:
        ADD c1-c35 c36
 This puts the sum of c1-c35 in c36, but if any one (or more) of c1-c35 
are missing, the result is missing:  so c36 has '*' for every row where 
there is a missing datum in some column(s).  A reasonable next step is
to see how much data is left:
        N c36
 reports the number of non-missing values in c36.  If that value is zero, 
or some other very small number, you might want to re-think your 
strategy before proceeding:
        COPY c1-c35 c41-c75;
        OMIT c36 '*'.
 Columns c41-c75 now contain only rows of the original c1-c35 for which 
all of the values are NON-missing.

        < snip, the rest >
                                -- DFB.
 Donald F. Burrill                                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 184 Nashua Road, Bedford, NH 03110                          603-471-7128

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