Stan Brown wrote:

> Herman Rubin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in
> >Test for understanding, not for imitation of robots.  Give
> >a few multi-part problems, and be sure to give partial credit.
> Excellent advice. I do (try to) test for understanding, by posing
> problems in real-world terms and seeing if the students know which
> test or calculation to do in which circumstances. Calculators are
> allowed for all work. And yes, I give partial credit where it's
> warranted. On the other hand, I don't give credit where work is not
> shown. In my view, the "right" answer is worthless if you can't
> justify it.

If there is a 'right' answer how do you justify not giving  full credit
for a 'right;' answer?
For partial answers of course you need to see the work however if  the
answer is corret then unless you suspect cheating I cannot see how you
cannot give full marks.  This assumes there is an objective numerical or
verbal result.

> Someone else mentioned projects. Students do two in the semester, a
> test of population proportion based on a sample of 100 and a larger
> project of their own choosing.
> --
> Stan Brown, Oak Road Systems, Cortland County, New York, USA
> My reply address is correct as is. The courtesy of providing a correct
> reply address is more important to me than time spent deleting spam.

John Kane
The Rideau Lakes, Ontario Canada

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